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Everything posted by Bigbrbairn

  1. He will be torn between career and staying with what he knows. You can see in interviews that he isn't the type to be a roving journeymen who naturally settles into anywhere that is providing a higher wage. He will want to see how far he can go in the game ( like most young players) but be a lot more scared
  2. Probably but as with all young players he will want to see how far he could go whilst at the same time be slightly apprehensive of the changes. He is always being told he could play at a higher level
  3. Please look up alopecia. Very often stress related
  4. Could it not be the case that a young nervous player is in two minds about moving away from his home? He will want to see if he can play at a higher level but also be scared of leaving family and friends
  5. All I know about Luton is the Luton Airport song by Cats UK! If that's a sample come back Sibbs
  6. Robbie Mutch. Great signing. Does he play left back?
  7. Who was the last born in Falkirk developed in FFC player before Sibbald ( apart from Westquarter Tam)
  8. Or being technical could we say big Lee and Mark Kerr fit the title of " one or our own"?
  9. He's one of our own. Only Gallagher looks likely to have that title this season sadly with Shepard and O'Hara on the sidelines. I know that the obsessives keep telling us that nobody is ready to step up but it is quite sad for a team renowned for developing players that we are now treated to journeymen
  10. This wait for signings is getting seriously boring. Even inventing rumours has lost its appeal!
  11. Hope this isn't like the Brian Graham fiasco where Houston spent so long trying to sign him he was left scrambling for scraps when he went elsewhere
  12. We might come back with a couple of hungry strikers!
  13. Budapest with only Harris to think about! Hope the trialist triplets are on the plane!
  14. Wigham Markie , Doug Baillie and Johnnie Graham were my boyhood heroes. I am that old!
  15. Thinking back to Denis Devlin. Was he a great keeper or is my memory failing me. I remember Willie Wigham more
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