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  1. Think Dow will just be a fre weeks, probably been our best player in pre-season, Don't really know much about Coulson but willing to give him a chance,
  2. In what way strange? Don't really know much about him
  3. Hopefully is how many players we are signing to keep up with the Injuries, Funny how it's not on the Facebook page, that makes me think it's what Simon had said is actually true
  4. There is some positives, I've not heard one person say they haven't been impressed with Bisland, Wilkie or any ot the goalies, Also been very impressed with Dow and Murray, they look like new players, But there's a lot to worry about too, it is a long season but the season has started, and we should of been looking to start well, especially after how things went last season, we always use this cup as an excuse for fitness, why not be a little more positive and actually try and get through? It's great we can add loans, but we are needing 5 or 6 with probably 2 moving on, how long do we give the new players to settle in? I was ok with the set up against dundee with the back 5, that's understandable against better teams, but against annan it should of been a lot more positive from the start, should of been 4 at the back, Stewart should of been up the pitch, he started with a back 5 til hammy got injured then put Stowe on? Why if the structure and tactics were ok, It's great your positive, I wish I could be as positive, But I can only see this ending one way, I'd love to be wrong and will hold my hands up,
  5. Can we do 4 - 1 so it looks like we have scored in the group at least
  6. That season we had with no Injuries to the back 4 seems like it's coming back to haunt us now,
  7. Yeh 100% 2points Must of got excited with the win, Posts been edited now
  8. I really don't know, but if your happy with the squad and the balance of it that's completely your opinion and your entitled to that, Just like I'm allowed to say that I feel we should be in a better position at this point where we are only needing to add 1 or 2 to complete the team and be prepared for the league starting,
  9. After Saturday result including the injury to hammy and the red to scotty tonight was always gonna be bare bones, Seem to be back to the same situation when McIntire first arrived and we were just looking to get 11 players on the pitch, That's where a lot of my frustration has come from and ill stick by we should be in a better squad position than we are now, I'd understand having to add 1 or 2 loans after the group stages but we are needing way more than that and again had plenty time to prepare, taking away Stowe and Walker your probably looking to add 5 or 6, where are they coming from? McIntire has been unlucky with Injuries, and I'd be happier to give him time if I thought he was gonna be successful, but I just can't see it, I wouldn't be waiting 9 games, if we don't start positively in the first 2 games I'm afraid the board need to act,
  10. Pretty sure everyone understands you wouldn't want to risk players who weren't fully fit, but I just feel the squad should be in a much better position than it is just now, it was well known for a long time we would be in league 1 so surely we could of had a plan In place, it started so well with the signings of Gallagher and Reilly but went a bit backwards since, its harsh but we surely we should be aiming higher than Callaghan and Spalding, Are these 4 or 5 signings loans or are we buying player? If we are writing off this cup as just warm up games and scores don't matter then don't charge £18, Totally agree with season tickets, be amazed if it gets up to 1000+ Very poor timing posting for season tickers on socials this morning after Saturday, All the fans have done in last few years is back the club financially, it's time something was paid back on the pitch, all the excuses in the world doesn't warrant 14 defeats In a row,
  11. I haven't based my opinion off today's result, it hasn't helped, I went into today positive thinking we might win, what's wrong with that after the run we have been on? Minus the Goalie I was OK with the starting 11, but lost for words to see Stewart line up in a back 3, Then within in the first 10 mins you would put your mortgage on Goss scoring, Today was a chance for the manager to get some credit in the bank, Go 4-4-2, attack a little and get maybe get a goal and give fans something to cheer, the injury was unlucky but the sub to make was Steele, Then you have Stewart being sent off and the games gone, He shouldn't of been in the position for that to happen, I just don't get the, this is a cup let's give him a chance in the league talk, we should of 100% be in a better position squad wise taking away the 2 injured strikers, we should have a settled formation and a rough idea what the tactics and plans are, If we think chipping the balls over the top expecting Gallagher or Reilly to chase down then it's gonna be the exact same results,
  12. Rather he ran back up the road to cove, Dramatic but looking at his record, the performances, the tactics and recruitment so far he has to go, Went on the give Campbell 1/4 of a season last year and look what happened, At least Campbell had earned the chance for that even when everyone deep down knew his time was up, McIntire has done absolutely nothing to warrant more time, I'd be all for giving him a chance if there was any positive signs, but no one could give me one I'd love to be wrong but even the most positive person must know deep down this is gonna end one way,
  13. It's crazy how people view things differently, Missing 2 strikers shouldn't mean Stewart plays in a back 5, if that was the case why was stowe brought on when hammy went off, Our formation and set uo should be a lot more set in stone by now, if we are gonna be playing 2 upfront be should of had more strikers in by now, Everyone hopes it can be turned around, but he doesn't give off anything to prove he can, it's hard to be positive with the record he has
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