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Hawkeye the Gnu

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Everything posted by Hawkeye the Gnu

  1. Wrong again. Jordan s famous for two huge diddies........Bennett and BobWilliamson
  2. As I recall your lot offered us 'hundreds of thousands' of what you didn't actually have. 'we give you some just now but you need to trust us that we are good for the rest over the next few years'. You really are an odious troll and are everything the rest of the country find repulsive. Judas Jones deserves everything he gets in the future and you lot truly deserve each other. Tick Tock.
  3. Apart from the sellik game, I honestly cant remember......................
  4. Mark Twain died the day after Dundee last won the Scottish cup.........not a lot of people know that. Rangers died shortly after we won the League Cup............................EVERYBODY knows that.
  5. What an absolute fanny that wee ned is. 'It wizny ma fault'. God help whatever team gets him next, Hopefully he can now be put in the same managerial bucket as Fat Sally.
  6. Utter shite I'm afraid. He was asked when his team were last top of the league 'AT THIS STAGE IN THE SEASON', Please keep up.
  7. You are so correct and that result put you a staggering 3 points ahead of us.................not 25. Thank you. Oh. and wasn't that the game you lot brought over 50.000 fans to RP?
  8. Wrong mate. Unlike Hearts fans, we have never really believed its going to continue. We are milking it because this is the first time we have been top of the league (albeit temporarily) at this stage in the season for over 50 years. Just let us enjoy it while we can eh? By the way, when were you lot last in this position?
  9. I'll be having a strong word with him when he comes for his tea tonight. No extra portions for not giving a penalty yesterday, but fair play to him, when he phoned his mum he admitted he hadn't thought we needed one. Early to bed tonight my lad.
  10. On your first half performance, no chance you will be in relegation slots. On your second half performance however........................................... Genuinely hope you pick up as you lot on here are sound and you've got a good guy as a manager as opposed to the wee w**k before him.
  11. I married Kevin's mother. His real name is Kevin the Gnu. Not a lot of people know that.
  12. I think hes generally a cheating wee c***t but for me his best moment by a mile was on Sunday when he didn't over react to being headbutted. If he goes down, he gets the foul and the player gets sent off. Instead he just shrugged it off and got on with the game. Well played that man..
  13. I got banned from here for being Magee..........................no I haven't forgotten!
  14. What happened to the first cammal? The second cammal will line up for sevco at half back.
  15. Fully agree. Not at all like our more enlightened P&B posters eh? Imagine suggesting a woman stays at home to do the dishes.............down with this kind of thing I say.
  16. Wasnt on it this morning but last night it looked like posters were getting their knickers in a twist about Kirsten going to La Manga with the squad, claiming it was a shopping trip. I was half expecting someone to suggest she stays at home to wash the dishes!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Could be completely wrong but that particular thread was becoming embarrassing, with the usual multitude of anonymous red cards being dished out. As Blackislekilie suggested.............this would never have been debated if Johnston was still at the club and we were still shite...........Clarke must go.
  17. I'm quickly falling out of luv with Kickback, with its bitchiness, bullying and anonymous red carding. P&B however remains more open to personal opinions (apart from the hounding of QLP) and it seems from other clubs posters that their club forums are very similar.
  18. ' I also wish to record my thanks to all the members of staff, past and present, the shareholders and the supporters who have supported me and the Club so enthusiastically over the years.' What a patronising piece of shite............................................................................................................................................... 'I look forward to attending Rugby Park as a committed supporter in future, unburdened of the worries of the past.' Hope he disny sit anywhere near me, the slimy b*****d!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  19. I've had the same worries mate. What's he got left in his life now that his team urny shite any more. ''See that Stevie Clarke, what a f****in w******r. Who does he f***in think he is by the way, turning up at my club and totally wasting it. Time wiz ah could sit and watch pure sh*te (before they chucked me oot obviously) and ken we'd get f***in hammered every f***in week. Ah wiz able tae pass on ma great knowledge of sh*te tae anyone who listened and everything wiz fine in the world. Noo, whit dae ah huv? Ah'll f*****in tell yeez. Absolutely hee haw, thats whit. That b****rd Clarke hiz totally wrecked ma life. Noo ah've naebody tae shout ett and nothin tae f***in shout aboot. Ma life's empty noo, thete's nothin left, so ah'll jeest huv tae get back on the bevvy and drugs. Wharz that wummin o mine tae a batter f*ck oot her.........oh aye ah huvny goat wan. Mibee the Snake Mountain lads wull take Clarke and we can awe get back tae normal eh? See yeez awe soon'' kind regards, Gordon.
  20. IMO Willie Miller was a fine footballer and outstanding captain for Aberdeen. He was a fine ambassador for the club while playing but everything he has attempted since has been abject failure I'm afraid. Just maybe if he'd taken the H*ns shilling when he had the chance he could have earned enough to retire quietly. edit. on second thoughts, jist NAW . Forget that................... , at least he still remains a Dons legend, I'll forgive him for being shite at everything else.
  21. Unfortunately it'll be off to the Football League forums for you now Tony, off you scoot. As for 'getting heavily pounded in real life for this decision', you'll meet a better class of supporter as soon as you're shot of all the baggage. Good luck to you.
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