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Hawkeye the Gnu

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Everything posted by Hawkeye the Gnu

  1. Team of the Week from Cowan, "the match officials who abandoned the Arbroath v A*r match, for the sake of the fans". FFS. what about the A*r fans who travelled that distance in these conditions only to find it was for nothing!!!!!!!!!!! Hang your head in shame Mr Cowan. I dont much like the manky crew from the south, but they are honest fans who deserve better than being dismissed like that by that clown.
  2. Just beat me to it. The meeja believes no one's interested in anything outwith the Twisted sisters.
  3. 100% agree with Ewan. Hibs were the better yeam in the first half and just about deserved the half time lead. Thought some of their passing was exceptional given the conditions. Second half looked like another game entirely, possibly due to another half time pep talk from Lord Dyer. Oh for a natural goalscorer...... Two decent teams providing great entertainment. Well played both teams.. That Allan's a cheating wee c**t by the way.
  4. Somebody..anybody..? Brocksburn High, Stonehouse Primary, Rocksburgh Infant School, St Rocks Academy, Stonehaven Nursery, Boulder University.....Ibrocks School for the Bewildered..............
  5. Well said Mark. They've always felt entitled to edit the facts and edit history to suit themselves, a vile institution indeed. I wonder what century it actually is in Bennet's padded cell
  6. Got to agree with this. Kincy your clearly staunch and believe in your club but your also clearly deluded if you truly believe that anyone would seriously want to follow your club without the religious and historical leanings. You are one of the few sevco followers on here who can give a reasoned approach to the game but no one outwith the bigots in this country is interested in supporting your club.
  7. While his club dies again.....perfect suggestion. They now seem to be agreeing that in fact they DO do walking away
  8. Now that things have settled down and I've wiped the cum from the back of the seat in front me, I've got an honest question for the zombie fans on here. No one's mentioned it yet but what about their player who went down as if he'd been shot in the last minute of injury time. While his team mates were battling vainly to get something from the game, this clown decided to play dead, meaning it was effectively 10 men against 11 until the final whistle. As soon as the whistle goes, he immediately rises from the dead and lunges at our player, nothing wrong with him now apparently. He was clearly cheating trying to get a free kick in a dangerous position but really the only folk he cheated were his team mates, manager and fans. By the way, The Rangers................WFAANW..
  9. Fully agree mate. Dont remember you actually being called a b****** to be fair.
  10. While I fully agree with Kincy's last post I ask myself, what is the difference between being called a black b******, or a f***** b******. None are nice and none are clever but these days it seems one is much more sinister than the other these days.
  11. Yes it does. Great. See you all next season then.
  12. Honest question. If / preferably when Ayr get promoted, does Somerset meet the criteria for the top league?
  13. I think you'll find he hates us even more than you do mate. Absolute cretin of a man.
  14. Branescu should never EVER pull on a Killie top again. enough is enough.
  15. Mate, up until this week you could have played the game without ANY goalkeepers and still got at least a 0-0 draw
  16. Look at the difference in height....big brave Craig wi' his mates. Great photo tho with wee Captain Birdseye standing up to him.
  17. I've got to agree with the above. Griffiths had a good solid game last night although he should have been booked in the first half for persistent fouling. He looked to be forming a potentially exciting partnership with his striking colleague and, considering what he's come through over the past year the headlines should have. been glowing. Consider what would have happened if the roles had been reversed and the fan had thrown something at him. He acted like a fanny and I kinda blame Lennon for appearing to put him back in the spotlight too soon as he clearly wasn't in the right state of mind, but Lennon chose to defend his actions because supporters were shouting unkind things at him. I wish The Thumb well in his recovery, but on last nights showing he still has some way to go.
  18. Hope so. He looked a right good player.
  19. Ah, the Cherry Pickers. Ayrshire history at its best.
  20. That's the name that was given, Good player. Thought the Castemilk number 3 also looks a player, read the game well and good distribution.
  21. Terrific game at the Grange and a great advert for amateur football. Two evenly matched teams giving 100% and either team could have won. Dynamo missed two second half sitters either side of Shortlees winner. The human dynamo Yogi ran his heart out and deserved his goal . Thought the ref had an excellent game never losing control despite a number of meaty challenges. Well done that man. Word of warning tho', Shortlees number 10 can be expecting a call over the next few days as someone on the touchline asked for and was given his phone number during the game, saying "he's too good for this level".
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