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Hawkeye the Gnu

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Everything posted by Hawkeye the Gnu

  1. Honest question Brian. What's this about Union Jack T-shirts that apparently sold out?
  2. Surely having this moron at your club would mean you dont need to sign any strikers........
  3. Yes there is, but we are just trying to explain the strange going on at RP and why you might not get tickets. Also it's because we are you're closest neighbours and are just trying to be friendly...................
  4. I cannot argue with that statement. What a joke that is. Bet it was our top rank club secretary's idea..........................
  5. Naw he didny. I actually enjoyed that game more than the final when we won the cup. "A cup?", I hear you ask, "what's that?.................................
  6. In the build up to that game, who would have thought we'd be having this discussion on the Championship chat now. Demonstrates how much of a shambles we were last season. Got good vibes about the coming one tho'.
  7. Edited in the spirit of crowd wanking. Seriously though, it looks like ST holders of both clubs should be able to enjoy a real game of footy. Hopefully a decent atmosphere, cant wait for another derby.
  8. That's exactly what we said and look where we are now.................... For a team with hopes of promotion, and I dont think you'll be far away, you can do better than this fud. Killie fans truthfully expected him to sign for a junior side. Good luck this season anyway lads.
  9. Clubfoot is absolutely past it. He may have been a decent centre half a few years ago, and we got one good season out of him, but he was a liability for us last season. Having him as a 'senior player' or role model would just be a joke as he let himself down by openly shouting and swearing at a young inexperienced teammate on the park after his own mistake put the player under pressure. He does NOT lead by example. Apparently a bully off the park as well, oh and he's not very bright. Good luck lads, and all the best for the season ahead, but you've signed a dud.
  10. Souness was an absolute thug, but at least when wearing the dark blue he was OUR thug.
  11. Absolutely this. I'm delighted Clubfoot has left the building and would be surprised if he's up to this level any more.
  12. So Glasgow'(where you claim to live) is surrounded by beaches now is it? Needles and junk, definitely. It's a shame you lot have to keep going back to 'where we live' rather than discuss football on a football forum.
  13. I know its been a long time, but in order to achieve the heady heights of relegation, you must first win promotion. I'd rather be a soap dodger than a loser....at least if I wash I get clean, while you unfortunately will always be a loser. Best wishes.
  14. Come on lads. Surely you can do better than regurgitating that same photo time after time. Try these............................................
  15. Is this how far we have fallen over the years? In the sixties and early seventies Killie were famous for the quality of goalkeeper at the club, consistently providing the national team with a dependable number one. Now we are becoming famous for our number ones being number twos................................absolute s**te,,,,
  16. While I'm as embarrassed as most other Killie fans at that twat Dinde's chat and his early try to wind everyone up, I honestly cant believe an A^r fan trying to compare stadiums.. It should be an interesting upcoming season and none of us expect an easy ride as there are some decent teams in the league. It's been too long since we last crossed swords with A^r, Partick, etc and I cant wait to experience it again. Four derbies to look forward to. REAL local rivalries as opposed to the bigotfest of the Twisted Sistets we had to endure.
  17. Toothless, gutless, abysmal, absolutely turgid pish from that bunch of wage thieves. Dundee are no great shakes but they were miles better than us over the two games and deserved there victory. Good luck next season all you Dee fans and congratulations on promotion. Through gritted teeth.....thank you.
  18. I'd actually forgotten just how annoying all this "Thank you" pish is. Thank fcuk we wont have to share a forum with them next year, regardless of the result on Monday. Thank you.
  19. Just remember how bad our defence is, he really doesn't have to be any good. Enjoy the game lads.
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