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Hawkeye the Gnu

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Everything posted by Hawkeye the Gnu

  1. Where did this clown appear from? Jeezus...what a walloper.
  2. Oh aye. Whatever happened to him? Oh, now I remember. Did he become a relatively successful politician?
  3. You should hope you're in the stand as it's the only place you'll get a decent view from an away perspective.
  4. I cant get Doug Somner and Melrose out of my head when scoring late winners against us.
  5. Sorry Stan, but it's not us. As you said we have our less fortunate county cousins to laugh at/hate. Over the past few years we even had to invent the Meh Derby with St Johnstone which was absolutely vicious on P&B The 70s and 80s were mental tho'. If it helps, we'll hate you on Saturday.
  6. But it is tho'. My first posting on the championship forum in the summer saying it would be good to renew old rivalries with A*r, Dunfermline and you lot, led to a number of posters coming on saying how much they hate us. That was just hurtful............ I'm sure they'll be on here before the weekend, sad b*****ds.
  7. I dont get the 'hate Killie' thing with them. I know there's history going back to the 70s and 80s but surely by now they would have found someone else to hate. Are we really their closest geographical relevant rivals, apart from the obvious arsecheeks? I'm personally a bit meh about them although there's always a good crowd and great atmosphere wherever we play them, home or away. Looking forward to a decent game of footy.
  8. Assume you mean Hello hello ya half wit. But it's "Killie boys". We hate Sevco more than you.
  9. half and half scarves.............................it's really about Killie about us lot tho'. Absolutely hate both ugly sisters.
  10. What I dont understand about that is if the police knew the yobs were gathering why didn't they just wade in and disperse them before the buses passed, rather than reroute them through one of the swankier parts of the borough.
  11. I thank you kind sir and I will take you up on your kind offer. TBH I've missed this level of piss taking and banter over the years with us being in different leagues but hope it's only a short visit nevertheless. The sooner you get a decent team together and we can, hopefully continue these 'discussions' in the 'big' league. That said I've probably jinxed myself and we don't win another game this year, but as we're sitting top while playing poorly, we must be doing something right.
  12. I've got to agree with that but every club, including your own, has its cringeworthies
  13. I have only recently begun 'invading' your thread over the past few months for the banter which TBH I've missed over the years, and find it quite enjoyable as there are some decent posters on here. However if you'd rather keep it to yourselves.....................................
  14. Please don't encourage another stadium wankfest. That wont end well.......
  15. Now, that's just outright jealousy. I know our place is far from perfect, leg room especially, but put a decent crowd in and the atmosphere is excellent. Although TBH one of the best atmosphere's recently was our first derby, (you wont have experienced it because you weren't invited ), but even spacing 3,500 evenly around the ground provided something decent.
  16. Thought he had a fine game and looks the business, but what about his hairstyle. Sorry to bore you Trogdor..............................
  17. To quote my favourite pantomime heroine, "Fairy Nuff". As I said it depends on what you're used to and what you prefer.
  18. I understand what you say about standing if that's what you're used to and what you want, but why on earth would you want to stand in the pissing rain with a gale blowing in your face?
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