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Hawkeye the Gnu

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Everything posted by Hawkeye the Gnu

  1. Sorry, but I'm not having that. He tends to run off at the mouth a lot and does himself no favours........but he does a great pie.
  2. I would be very surprised if the tie was moved to Kilmarnock. Why on earth would Talbot want that, different I suppose if the SFA insist tho'. Playing the game at RP may lead to a crowd of 3 times the capacity that Beachwood can hold, but home advantage would be lost, and the chance of an even bigger payday in the next round lost as well. Talbot fans, like any other fans of smaller clubs will have dreamed of games like this on their own wee patch and it would be great for the village as a whole. I've a real soft spot for them and wish them well and I'm f**kin relieved it's Hearts and not us.
  3. Not sure but waaaaaaay under 1000. Maybe half that. That's poor right enough, but it is a diddy cup with two underperforming teams and pish weather.
  4. Now that's not very neighbourly, is it? Free country ya w****r. You are always welcome at our place.....x.
  5. Listen lads. Ayr don't win much so why pick holes in what you have won. You clearly deserved to win the league as its played over the whole season and not just a couple of matches as Finlay said. Enjoy the successes, why be critical. Good luck today as well.
  6. surely a team from a higher league should win these type of games...........oh wait.....
  7. You're clearly clutching at straws trying to wind us up here, but I'll bite. Ayr Utd fans have had absolutely nothing to laugh about this season given what they are watching on the pitch. Why on earth would they be laughing at a game that still sees us top of the league........ (and above you.) Their club is in such a shambles they wont be in raptures any time soon. How's Gardyne doing by the way....still scoring away from home? I thought he only did that against us.
  8. Your board fucked up by not getting rid of Grant much earlier. Had this been done you would definitely be challenging for a play off place, but it looks like you now have too much ground to make up. You never know though, stranger things have happened in football. No chance you'll be in the relegation battle and more likely playing in a boring wee league of your own in the middle. Not very exciting. but clearly better than the alternative if Grant was still around.
  9. Well worth the effort then. Arbroath have been a breath of fresh air this season. As I said earlier, can we swap managers please?
  10. If Livi have better options up front I'm very jealous indeed. He's too good for the championship, great prospect. Please take him back in January.
  11. Absolutely this. We must have the worst midfield in the league, bar none.,, no creativity whatsoever and so easily bullied and outplayed. No passion and no attacking intent for 70 minutes. Wright appears unable or unwilling to see what the fans can, and despite sitting top, something has to change. Arbroath fully deserved their win, they outplayed us for most of the match and their commitment was second to none. They've also probably got the best player in the league with big Nouble. The BIG thing however thats ripping my knitting tonight is the shambolic performance of the referee. Beaton was an absolute joke and the melee at the end was all down to him having no control and his crazy decision making. Please dont think I'm making excuses for losing but that has got to go down as one of the worst refereeing performances I have ever witnessed. Good luck to Arbroath for the rest of the season, can we please swap managers?
  12. I thought Tait was excellent at RP earlier in the season and can see why he deserves to play at a higher level than the championship. He's going to be a great wee player but still far from the finished article and another 6 months with Raith, playing every week, would probably suit everybody concerned.
  13. It's an ORANGE training top. Where in the unbiased and untainted Rangers, totally unsectarian, history did orange come from? Oh I forgot about the Dutch....., Both clubs, the old one and new, are and always have been institutionally sectarian.
  14. Absolutely this. Well dealt with by the mods as it would only have got much worse if no quick action taken. Poor wee soul getting all that abuse from the nasty big bullies, what a prat. It was quite funny tho' from an outsiders perspective.
  15. Come up anyway. You're always welcome. Just remember that you cant be any worse than the earlier game, which was pretty poor TBH. We're not that good just now and I think we can all look forward to another derby classic....
  16. I heard they got it installed in preparation for signing Water Smith and John "Polaris" McDonald..
  17. Exactly. Why would any one his age, with a good secure well paid job he clearly enjoys, with all the pension security that comes with it... along with having a hobby doing something he loves (very well) in his spare time .......and also getting paid for, give it all up for a high risk, lower paid job with no pension security despite his obvious affection for Dunfermline?. Is he married with a family? His wife would be having kittens if he even suggested it.
  18. Again just demonstrating how blinkered and delusional both twisted sisters are when they continue to insist they are among the biggest clubs in the universe and questioning why anyone with an ounce of ambition would leave them to go to a middling English premiership club. Villa have a more loyal fan base. They have struggled in the lower reaches of the premiership for many years but still attract around 40,000 to their home games. I remember when the old rangers were struggling badly pre Souness and attracted 8-10,000 staunch fans to run of the mill games at Ibrox (the glory hunters still managed to turn up in numbers for the bigger games tho'.) I was at an Aberdeen game at that time when the away fans almost made up 1/3 of the total attendance. Villa are a richer club and have much more potential, given the league they are in, than either of the arsecheeks. Gerrard will be earning much more now, being able to focus only on football matters rather than having the noose of bigotry and entitlement around his neck. And there are still clowns out there who insist he has made a huge mistake........................................
  19. This unfortunately is correct, score first, sit back and enjoy 3 points. This has been the Killie way this season.
  20. I know. Which was meant to be my point. sorry if it got missed.
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