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Hawkeye the Gnu

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Everything posted by Hawkeye the Gnu

  1. Assume you mean Hello hello ya half wit. But it's "Killie boys". We hate Sevco more than you.
  2. half and half scarves.............................it's really about Killie about us lot tho'. Absolutely hate both ugly sisters.
  3. What I dont understand about that is if the police knew the yobs were gathering why didn't they just wade in and disperse them before the buses passed, rather than reroute them through one of the swankier parts of the borough.
  4. I thank you kind sir and I will take you up on your kind offer. TBH I've missed this level of piss taking and banter over the years with us being in different leagues but hope it's only a short visit nevertheless. The sooner you get a decent team together and we can, hopefully continue these 'discussions' in the 'big' league. That said I've probably jinxed myself and we don't win another game this year, but as we're sitting top while playing poorly, we must be doing something right.
  5. I've got to agree with that but every club, including your own, has its cringeworthies
  6. I have only recently begun 'invading' your thread over the past few months for the banter which TBH I've missed over the years, and find it quite enjoyable as there are some decent posters on here. However if you'd rather keep it to yourselves.....................................
  7. Please don't encourage another stadium wankfest. That wont end well.......
  8. Now, that's just outright jealousy. I know our place is far from perfect, leg room especially, but put a decent crowd in and the atmosphere is excellent. Although TBH one of the best atmosphere's recently was our first derby, (you wont have experienced it because you weren't invited ), but even spacing 3,500 evenly around the ground provided something decent.
  9. Thought he had a fine game and looks the business, but what about his hairstyle. Sorry to bore you Trogdor..............................
  10. To quote my favourite pantomime heroine, "Fairy Nuff". As I said it depends on what you're used to and what you prefer.
  11. I understand what you say about standing if that's what you're used to and what you want, but why on earth would you want to stand in the pissing rain with a gale blowing in your face?
  12. Well that was an enjoyable evening. As I suspected, there was no silky football but I thought it was a good hard game with nothing between the teams in the first half. Second half TBH was pretty one sided apart from the opening five minutes when Ayr should have scored. God knows how things would have gone if they had, however from then on they just weren't in it, not sure if they sat back deliberately or were forced into it. I thought McKenzie was brilliant in the more central role I have been pushing for all season and couldn't believe the space Waters had in the second half. Also felt sorry for your striker who seemed to hold his own against our central two but had no back up whatsoever, why no support? Some questions for the Ayr fans,- why no cover on the NT? Secondly, and this is not fishing, how can you bear to stand for two hours every second week in the conditions you do? I know you can say you prefer to stand and can do so at away grounds if you want, but at least there you will have the chance of a seat for a wee while if you want. I stood for three hours last night and my old legs are grumbling today. Onwards to the next derby then...................................how many sleeps? Oh, by the way. Totally agree with the last poster, scum behaviour and no excuses.
  13. OK. one last post before heading to a Prestwick pub. The voice of reason dictates the quality of football on view tonight will not be top drawer, nae silky stuff, but a tense game played in a cup tie atmosphere in front of two sets of noisy fans. This is what footballs about and nay the best team win....... I'm not a getting man but if I was I'd suggest that Mr McKenzie fae Troon will get sent off and Mr Armstrong fae Alloway wiil score the winner at the SRE in front of his old classmates. Hope everyone enjoys tonight, now where are my keys....................
  14. Now thats more like it, although still some distance behind West Curve. This is like a cup final for you cnuts, whereas for us its an important league game against .our less fortunate county cousins. GITRFUY
  15. I've always wondered why the NT was never covered as that would have added extra atmosphere and noise. But in the spirit of this thread...........................good enough for you and your wee tinpot club...
  16. Maybe if she'd done that 20 years ago this would be more straightforward............
  17. Very very harsh, but you cant say you weren't provoked. Seriously, if we think we are struggling you only need to look at Accies who were at the same level of shite that we were at the end of last season. They were undoubtedly the better team this afternoon, but are still bottom of the league when we are playing poorly and in second place, but still not happy. They showed today that there is a decent team in there and will start to pick up points if they continue to play as they did today. We, however, must start improving quickly as we cant hope to stay in contention while playing the way we have been recently. MUST DO BETTER.
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