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Hawkeye the Gnu

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Everything posted by Hawkeye the Gnu

  1. Come on, you'll be made very welcome, and don't be too upset at losing to us as you've lost to just about every other team in the league as well. You will have a better chance this time than the last time as we are seriously shite at home.
  2. Wright should be phoning each and every Killie fan who pays good money to watch the same shite every week. GTF Tommy.
  3. yours came in while I was finishing off mine. Put money on that scoreline.
  4. The atmosphere in the ground will be toxic if Wright is still there, a bit like Pars with Grant, especially if we go behind which seems written in the stars. The fans have all now turned against him, especially after his antics in Kirkcaldy on Saturday and we're genuinely clueless on the pitch and there to be beaten. The 'biggest budget in the league' has been pissed against a wall. You may have conceded 3 against QOS but you also scored 3, while we don't score at all it seems. Prediction 0 - 1. Having been a regular visitor to the Dunfermline thread I now repeat what they were saying earlier in the season, "Go on, give us a humping if it means we get shot of the dinosaur /Grant sooner rather than later".
  5. He's been rank rotten for us as well. Why is he starting so much?............................ask fuckin Tommy Wright. Do you want him back as a Chrissy Pressy?
  6. That's the very fellow. He hit every branch when he fell out of the Ugly Tree. Mind you that wee nyaff Billy Dodds is like the Poisoned Dwarf.
  7. Was that not Davie Dodds??????????????. surely the ugliest gut to play top flight football...
  8. Sorry to interrupt your happy debate but as Cammy posted earlier you are all cordially invited up to our place for our New Year Party. A warm welcome awaits and hopefully we can all enjoy some decent craic and some decent entertainment. Please come early, but not as early as we did at yours as there'll be plenty of room not leg room tho'. Best of luck on Friday and hopefully you do better on TV than we did. Merry Christmas.
  9. Problem was he didn't go to ground with a groan and roll about. That seemed to be guaranteed a free kick today. Matthews at the Stewart booking rolling about like a fish out of water then jumps up and runs off when the yellow card comes out. Ref totally oblivious to it. I've got to say, he won a lot of free kicks at RP recently, few of them IMHO were correct, but i believe this was more for the way he plays rather than him 'going down easily'. He is a skilful player who protects the ball well by putting himself between him and his opponent. Very difficult to play against, he'll be missed after the break.
  10. Nobody cares about someone who just may have picked up a serious injury? You need to have a long look at yourself mate with an attitude like that, absolutely honking. While I obviously hope the injury isn't too serious, it would be nice to ensure he gets a wee rest over the few weeks as he has looked decent this season, and certainly better than we currently have in midfield.
  11. If you had seen just how rotten we were last season, you would know why we had to get rid of the vast majority. The only one we should have kept was Power who went to St Mirren. Don't know what's going on behind the scenes but Wright's tactics are one dimensional and poor. His signings have also been questionable and we desperately need a creative midfielder in January. Polworth has been a disaster. The Crown used to be a great wee boozer, a nice bar and a 'cabaret' room round the back. Don't know what it's like now as it's been years since I was last in it. Favourite memory was seeing Hector NIcol in his prime, worst memory was sitting watching Scotland being humped by Peru in 1980 world cup........ Ally McLeod owned the Tudor pub just up the road.
  12. He'll be enjoying his performances more than we are. He's been shite almost every week and should be nowhere near our first team. Can see why you got rid.
  13. But they shouldn't have had to be singing in the rain with all the wide open spaces in the ground. No wonder you have so few fans attending games if you treat them like that. Oh, I know how shite we have been all season, but despite you lot beating us twice, you are still only the fourth best team we have played.........and before you say it, I know we are in for a long hard season unless we start improving as it shows how bad we are. Next week will be our hardest game.............god help us if we play as badly as last night.
  14. wouldn't it make more sense to have them under cover behind the goal. KInda daft given the wide open spaces there tonight, rather than have them standing out in the rain in no mans land. Surely a better chance to encourage them to build in numbers and create an atmosphere.
  15. I didn't see the incident, but unless the player threw it with some force back into the crowd I really don't see the problem. Totally different with Griffiths and a flare, but a loo roll? Geez a brekk!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  16. I just hope it doesn't take Burkie another 3 months to recover as he did after the last game. Please leave his legs as you find them.
  17. I hope you get pumped rotten. Could I also recommend a quiet pre match snifter in the Madhouse where you're guaranteed a warm welcome.
  18. surely you'd be entitled to charge premier prices, equal to what Hearts charge for home games for example..
  19. Imagine the boys down the front having to look up at the horses bollocks, thinking, " I hope it doesn't chose this time to have a shite". The horses and polis must have looked HUGE from down there.
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