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Hawkeye the Gnu

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Everything posted by Hawkeye the Gnu

  1. That song is beginning to grate on me now. I'd hoped that, like other songs, it would have faded into obscurity and only sung occasionally. Unfortunately it seems to remain the first song in the fans songbook. We know the hello hello has f*ck all to do with Sevco but it's just not worth the hassle any more. I wish the fans could sing something different.
  2. He is a politician after all...............................................
  3. Cant argue with that. We were shite, again, and you lot should be ok for the play offs. We'll get it right round you the next time.
  4. Not addicted, just curious, and your level of ambition is relative. We, your more illustrious neighbours, would like nothing more than continuing our rivalries in the top league. You were handcuffed to an idiot from the start of the season and due to that your current level of ambition is realistic, but have made positive changes. Apart from perhaps ICT, Raith and ourselves there is little between the rest and there is no reason why, with a good run of results, you cannot challenge for one of the play off positions.
  5. Oh aye. I certainly seem to have got under his skin tho'. Is he always like this?
  6. There are some decent posters among the Thistle mob but some absolute bell ends as well. Infantile and boring patter.
  7. No excuses. That was shite, we got what we deserved and Thistle were by far the better team without being great shakes themselves. Thistle's number 10 had a great game, he disny half put himself about, but complained continually to the ref when he felt he was the victim. Their black centre half (can I say that?) for me was the best player on the pitch, giving nothing away. The only Killie player deserving pass marks was Rory, again, who never stopped running. How can we be sitting, supposedly the best team in the league given the table, and appear clueless in so many games. Special mention to the referee who IMO was absolutely pish, constantly giving strange decisions against both teams, although from where I was sitting he got the first half incident correct (need to see the replay tho, could be totally wrong).
  8. TBH I haven't seen any evidence of a player in there but successive Killie managers have, so he must have it in him somewhere. I definitely hope he comes good as he's an honest bid fella, always giving 100%
  9. Big Innis is not and never will be a target man. We tried him up front on his own and he failed, apart from home to A*r. Give him some support up front and I'm sure he will improve.
  10. The Teuchter pound has been keeping less fortunate clubs alive in recent times..........
  11. I was in Nagorno-Karabakh for that game. Quite an unexpected pumping if I remember. Is that one of the posh eateries in the west end where folk go to name drop?
  12. Without doubt Somerset is falling down as we keep reminding our less fortunate county cousins, but at least it's a REAL football ground which can generate a REAL atmosphere when approaching full. Unlike your soulless place. Fully agree with the pricing tho', out of order.
  13. Where did this clown appear from? Jeezus...what a walloper.
  14. Oh aye. Whatever happened to him? Oh, now I remember. Did he become a relatively successful politician?
  15. You should hope you're in the stand as it's the only place you'll get a decent view from an away perspective.
  16. I cant get Doug Somner and Melrose out of my head when scoring late winners against us.
  17. Sorry Stan, but it's not us. As you said we have our less fortunate county cousins to laugh at/hate. Over the past few years we even had to invent the Meh Derby with St Johnstone which was absolutely vicious on P&B The 70s and 80s were mental tho'. If it helps, we'll hate you on Saturday.
  18. But it is tho'. My first posting on the championship forum in the summer saying it would be good to renew old rivalries with A*r, Dunfermline and you lot, led to a number of posters coming on saying how much they hate us. That was just hurtful............ I'm sure they'll be on here before the weekend, sad b*****ds.
  19. I dont get the 'hate Killie' thing with them. I know there's history going back to the 70s and 80s but surely by now they would have found someone else to hate. Are we really their closest geographical relevant rivals, apart from the obvious arsecheeks? I'm personally a bit meh about them although there's always a good crowd and great atmosphere wherever we play them, home or away. Looking forward to a decent game of footy.
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