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Everything posted by eez-eh

  1. Disappointed at that. Was hoping you'd keep him for at least another, *checks fixture list*, 20 days.
  2. Good to see you're not bothered about a throw-away remark I made towards some other posters. Replace every instance of "America" with "Germany" in Trump's speech and it wouldn't have sounded out of place at a Nuremburg Rally. He's going to get rid of unemployment by reopening factories and building roads, make America completely self sufficient, everything that's wrong is the fault of all these pesky other countries, he'll rebuild and remodel the army. He constantly bangs on about "the people" as if he's one of them, despite being a tax-dodging multibillionaire. Being called a sheep or saying someone doesn't have a mind of their own because they can't stand the man who comes out with such pish, and who is a known racist, sexist and bigot is fucking laughable, although it's no surprise the resident woman-hater banana adores someone who feels it's acceptable to grab random women by the pussy. Anyone who comes out with said "sheeple" nonsense, or defends the man at all, deserves to be called out for it.
  3. Absolutely shocked to see such intellectual minds as Willie, itzdrk and banana sticking up for Trump, tbh.
  4. Question from a football manager newbie: can the kitpacks and logopacks still be acquired through steam?
  5. "My opinion on a subjective issue is fact and anyone who disagrees is an idiot."
  6. How much of Jack Harper have you seen to form these opinions? Sit the f**k down the pair of you.
  7. Watching this and thinking "who the f**k wants to share a country with these c***s?"
  8. Me reading General Nonsense late last night after barely being on the forum the whole weekend
  9. Are you talking about the guy that looked like a cross between Tory Boy and a thumb?
  10. I think my perception of scotrail would improve tenfold if they employed people specifically to stop tinks boarding trains with chippies. The service provided would be a bit more bearable if journeys didn't end with you smelling like you'd just finished a shift at a blue lagoon.
  11. Those "proper tasty" pages manage to unleash every ounce of seethe I have in me. About 90% of the recipes look bland and/or disgusting yet everyone seems to cream themselves over them because they contain copious amounts of cheese/nutella/bread/grease/cream cheese*. No wonder we're all so fat. * delete as appropriate
  12. You called a poster an arsehole for saying they'd also be remembering innocent Syrians who have died as a result of war. I found that pretty strange. It will be in your notifications somewhere, I can't be arsed trawling back through this thread.
  13. Care to answer my earlier reply to you in this thread? I note you've previously gone off the heid at people who bring Rangers into this conversation, yet as this post shows you've no problem with bringing another team into the mix.
  14. What exactly is it about remembering those from other counties who have died as a result of war that makes someone an arse? Do the "sane people" that you speak of only remember the British? Try to give a proper answer without turning into a seething mess and making it an argument about whose grammar is better. Thanks.
  15. Regardless of whether it's lies (which it isn't), very few parties would have representatives who deem it acceptable to shout down members of the public during a debate. UKIP are one of those parties, however feel free to defend the racist slob. I reserve the right to use this phrase in future.
  16. Yeah realised as soon as I posted. My brain is too fried from listening to Hartlepool's brightest minds airing their views.
  17. Oh no wait sorry you were talking about the slob that came second in UKIPs election. Easy mistake to make.
  18. Was it the same cretin that looked like he was about to physically combust with rage when telling the Tory MP he should abandon his beliefs because the people have spoken?
  19. Unfortunately yes. Back to prison if tonight's revelations are anything to go by.
  20. Thankfully not enough to get her elected anywhere. Though she did come second in the leadership contest.
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