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Everything posted by eez-eh

  1. ^^^ thinks they're putting chemicals in the water to turn the frogs gay
  2. Doing so would have avoided all this Brexit nonsense. Something to ponder.
  3. Is everyone that scunnered with Ludo they haven't realised this is the second time he's posted the same player? Guess you're bound to forget after a month.
  4. People who, while waiting in line in a busy cafe, will save a seat - either by placing a bag down or getting their associate to sit down. This then leads to people ahead of them in the queue, who weren’t scummy enough to indulge in such behaviour, unable to get a seat once they’ve paid for their food and drink. Absolute c***s.
  5. Probably referring to the time you may or may not have thrown your own shit at someone for a laugh tbh.
  6. Eh? I'll give you Firhill, but it takes roughly the same length of time to walk to Hampden as it does Parkhead (and Ibrox for that matter). In terms of public transport, Hampden and Ibrox are by some distance the easiest two to get to, then Firhill, with Parkhead lagging miles behind. There's plenty of things to slag Hampden for, but saying it's the hardest to get to from the city centre is a load of shite.
  7. It's easier to get to than Firhill and Parkhead. Don't be a tit.
  8. Not in general, just a few on this thread who are banging on about Murrayfield for the sole reason that it's easier for them to get to. No offence was intended xo The rest of your post is sound.
  9. The only reason you think it's a joke is because you're (presumably) from the east coast. Glasgow is the biggest city and far more of a football city than Edinburgh, there's nothing laughable about it. The east coasters championing Murrayfield because it would be easier for them to get to forget - or don't care - that it would just put the burden of travel onto those on the west coast. Solving one problem by creating another doesn't seem to be the best solution.
  10. c***s who enter a box junction before there's enough space ahead of them to clear said junction, therefore blocking the junction for everyone around them c***s who who don't have the decency to turn their full beam off as they drive past you, even when you flash c***s who don't have the decency to pull in to let an ambulance past them c***s who overtake before proceeding to drive right in front of you for the rest of the journey c***s who tailgate while you're going the speed limit c***s who aggressively tailgate learner drivers, don't be a c**t c***s who advance past the first stop line at a junction and sit in the area reserved for cyclists c***s who run red lights c***s who think driving a 4x4 means they own the road c***s who slow down to look at an accident c***s who don't look as they begin to reverse c***s who don't look as they're coming out of a parking space c***s who don't slow down while they're going through a puddle, therefore soaking all cars and people within a 5 metre radius c***s who park on double yellow lines c***s who park on inconsiderate parts of the road that aren't double yellow, just because it's not a double yellow doesn't mean you're not a c**t c***s who think that being in the correct lane means they don't have to indicate c***s who don't indicate until they've started turning c***s who don't indicate People are c***s
  11. I'm pretty sure I was smacked very occasionally but I don't agree with it. It seems like a very lazy way of trying to instill discipline in a child. Besides, surely it only teaches children that violence is an acceptable answer to certain types of behaviour?
  12. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/technology-41651836 A feature on Google Maps telling you how many calories a walk would burn is #triggering apparently. Is it possible to be #triggered by other people being #triggered? Sweet fucking Jesus.
  13. Is welshbairn seriously suggesting holding a referendum on whether to hold a referendum?
  14. The forum's resident bigots trying to deflect away from people mocking child abuse, the holocaust and impersonating Hitler? Colour me fucking surprised.
  15. Those polls give some hope, but it's gonna be interesting to see how Corbyn's speech tomorrow goes down with the general public.
  16. Yes, the candidates will be members of Scottish Labour, hence why they'll brand themselves as that on the ballot paper. However they're standing to be elected for the wider UK party in the HoC. The manifesto released during the week is a UK-wide manifesto, and given time constraints I'd imagine it's unlikely there'll be a specific Scottish one. Don't get me wrong, the state of Scottish Labour and their staunch, obsessed stance against independence that they never fail to remind us of whenever they receive airtime is still the main thing that puts me off voting for the wider UK party, but I also find it very hard to disagree with much that has been put forward by Corbyn, independence aside.
  17. Wut? I'm not advocating voting for anyone, I don't even know who I'm voting for myself, merely picking up on some of the language used in this thread. You can save the sarky comments.
  18. Scottish Labour are an absolute gang, but they're not standing in this election.
  19. Congrats on all but confirming survival boys - thoroughly deserved. Hurts to say it but I can only hope for an Ayr team that manages to get things right in this league. Good luck for next season.
  20. It took 2 bombs dropped on densely populated areas for them to surrender, so I fail to see how 1 bomb on an uninhabited area would have done the trick.
  21. There's also no 'arrive by' by option on the app anymore, only 'depart after'. It's absolutely hopeless.
  22. That Nigel Dodds is an absolute pillock. Campaigned for a Brexit in spite of the consequences it will have on Northern Ireland and now bums up the Tories and May at every opportunity. Imagine voting for that.
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