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Shadow Play

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Everything posted by Shadow Play

  1. Hartley out? Definitely not. It's not as if he doesn't know where we need to strengthen the team. Early days of course but Hately looks like he will be a very good signing. Gomis looks like he will do a good job. El Bak will get better as the season progresses. Hartley has already stated he needs a striker. I'm only guessing of course but I think he realises that Loy's ability is very limited. He can't take control of a long ball pass to him. He rarely, if ever, wins a header with these types of passes and if the ball lands to his feet, his second touch is usually tackle. While I'm moaning: Ross try taking a shot when your in the box! Don't pass it to a player who is 2 feet away from you and marked just like you are!
  2. Thanks for the update about the Derby. Good to see the wee team's wee team getting beat! Anyone have any idea why Dundee play their home Development League matches away from Dens (Montrose I think)? With 6pm kick offs it means most folk have no chance of making the games. Maybe I'm just sad with nothing to do on a Tuesday night but with a little more publicity and if the next Development Derby was held at Dens I reckon you would get a quite a few fans interested in going along.
  3. Don't forget major turning points as being a factor in your relegation Mishtergrolsch. Step forward McPake with his last second leveller! By poor management I take it you are very much including your Chairman (who is still in the same role - just no longer taking his £100,000 salary). I remember him announcing shortly after Beautiful Monday that he was actively looking to sell the club. Any developments there?
  4. Too much negativity about the lack of a further signing during the transfer window, although I also worry about lack of a good striker. I'd rather we kept the cash than spend on a player that Hartley does not have faith in. Remember, Nicky Low comming back from injury will be like a new signing.............I'm just not sure whether he will be like a good new signing or a bad new signing!
  5. Just noticed that British Olympians have won 44 medals so far. In his Evening Telegraph column on 10th August Liam Kennedy said "they'll be lucky to get 35". So at least it's not just footballing matters he gets wrong!
  6. Haha. I was just trying to amend my post to highlight that Wilkie is ex Dundee when the notification came in saying you'd replied. No issues with what Wilkie or Spence have written, just suggesting it may play to the narrative.
  7. I may be wrong here but are the names you've quoted not simply professional journalists who are simply Dundee supporters / fans as opposed to ex or current Dundee FC employees? Whereas Christian Dailly, Lee Wilkie and Jim Spence (who all have weekly columns in either the Tele or Courier) are current or ex Dundee United FC employees in some capacity or other. I can't think of any regular columnist who is a current or ex Dundee FC employee. I'm not making a statement about whether or not there is bias, just simply that the aforesaid helps play to that narrative.
  8. Genuinely hope he does well down south. Pretty certain he will. A great servant to the club, if only for a short time. Personally, I think real reason he left was because he was fed up waiting for someone to come up with a decent song about him . Quick, anyone thought of one for Yordi or El Bak yet?
  9. It appears one player's agent insisted on a release clause, the other player's agent did not. Given these cirumstances I can.
  10. Or the fact he realises that winning only one major trophy in the entire history of his club will only take him so far in any discussion.
  11. What night that was. Atmosphere was superb. I reckon I celebrated that goal more then Whighton's and that's saying something. A true captain's performance! Thanks for the reminder Louis.
  12. I think points 1 and 2 were said when I was still tucking into my pie and coffee so 6.5 out of 8 is not too bad for me haha.
  13. I thought Hartley was very good tonight. Seemed relaxed about the whole evening. Happy to answer most, if not all questions. A very, very brief summary as I recall it: 1. Harkins will not play for Dundee again. Obviously he did not give details as to why. 2. He is hopeful at least one other signing is not too far away. 3. He is committed to Dundee and reminded everyone he has two years left on his contract. 4. Understands the frustration of fans at being out the league cup so soon. 5. Feels that some clubs down south may look at Dundee as not being an established top flight club and therefore perhaps offer less for players than would otherwise be the case. 6. Was not happy with the youth set up when he arrived but is happy with what is in place now. 7. Believes Scott Bain will be an international keeper in due course. 8. Hopes to keep Stewart, who he stated has never asked for a move, but has to be realistic if an acceptable bid comes in etc. Overall I thought it was a worthwhile night and it's good to see Hartley and all the other staff taking time out to explain club matters to the fans.
  14. Your so right there Granny. You must know only too well what happens when the guy/s at the top make a series of mistakes. That reminds me, any word of how United's search for a new chairman is going? Seems to have gone a bit quiet on that front. "European nights to relegation fights" and all that.
  15. If you follow some United fans' logic United didn't win the league at Dens, they won the league over the course of the season. Just like they were never relegated at Dens.
  16. What's wrong with the Whip Inn? Plenty of boozers in Lochee as well.
  17. I think the set of tracksuit must still be a bit of a touchy subject with him. Paterson eventually went back to junior football and when he played against Lochee United I remember hearing a lad shouting that he was rubbish etc and that he wanted the tracksuits back. Paterson bit back. First time I'd seen a player argue so much with a fan while the match was still being played.
  18. Too be fair to Ludo he did say clubs that 'would still happily part with £200,000 in January window' when talking about a player comming to the end of his contract. Would United really be happy or willing to spend that amount of money on a player comming to the end of his contract rather than take a chance of getting him for nothing? £200,000 is a lot of money for United. Remember did they not cash in the famous GMS for just £50,000 more to a cup final rival rather than lose him for nothing.
  19. If he goes for £500,00 whoever buys him will be getting a bargain. He's got bags of ability and is still young enough to improve still further. Look how quickly he made the step up from Cowdenbeath. I reckon if he was playing in the Championship down south he would settle in in no time. He really is that kind of player.
  20. Ah OK. That makes more sense. Just a thought and I'd be happy to be corrected here but do you not think Dundee could do some more community club work? I know for a fact my son would love to go and see Dundee do a training session, especially during the school holidays, but they are all closed sessions. For United fans I believe it is possible to watch them train over at St Andrews, get autographs of players etc. United have the J League on Saturday mornings for the kids to play and train. Dundee don't have anything like that. Things like the above can only help to bring fans closer to the club.
  21. Where I sit (Derry near to Shankly) there's one or two regulars that moan whenever Stewart tries a trick / turn that doesn't come off but they are few and far between. Worth bearing in mind they are the same ones that moan when others get rid of the ball too quickly and don't try to take their man on! Most where I sit give the team complete backing during play. I'm 100% behind Hartley and I can understand his frustration but if he did label all the support the same I think that's a bit unfair.
  22. I'm guessing the reason you stayed away was you were worried by going on a Dundee thread you'd be known as a ....... ..FUNSTER!
  23. Deeboy. I agree with you regarding his play today and so far this season. I was only meaning when he scored. Usually there is a wee wave to the crowd etc but not this week. Maybe I'm just reading too much into it.
  24. Vincent had a very good game as well. Did the simple things and kept the ball moving. Very impressed with Yordi, particularly in the first half. Thought Stewart's body language after he scored was telling. No acknowledgment to the fans etc. The only hope is that he is still annoyed after the Peterhead incident but realistically it looks like he is off.
  25. Fifespud. I fear you are wasting your time trying to reason with RG on this. Best to remember the old saying: "Never argue with a fool. He will only drag you down to his level, then he will beat you with his experience".
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