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Everything posted by kefc

  1. I really think this will pan out with clubs that want to be part of the pyramid in the East can either join at tier 6 this season or wait till next season to join the East Of Scotland Div 2 at tier 7. Clubs in the West who are interested can make them self known to the SFA or people running the EOS or Lowland League and if the numbers are high enough a new West Of Scotland League will be formed to complete the pyramid. The SJFA will remain with the clubs that want to remain Junior, it’s a win win all round. Scottish Football gets a balanced pyramid (once the Tayside and North is sorted) covering all areas and the SJFA remain intact. The PWG meeting didn’t go well as stated on here previously as to TJs promise to his clubs that all Junior clubs will join the pyramid next season at tier 6, it was voted unanimously out. It was never going to happen especially in the East. The SFA have a proven working pyramid in the East with more promotion places to the LL kicking in from next season its in good working order. It looks as though the SJFA want their clubs in the big Scottish Cup and they have no interest in the Pyramid or Licencing, theres a real possibilty the Scottish Cup places may be taken away in the future. Times are changing and for the better I think with clubs having a choice, choose the pyramid with a chance of being SFA Licenced, No glass ceiling, Fixture lists, u20 League, Scottish Cup entry, Games under lights, No end of season fixture chaos etc. or remain as you are better together as part of the SJFA. The players also have a choice who they play for too, in the East they have a choice of the LL, EOS or Junior, on the points noted above I know what looks more appealing. Hats off to Dalkeith, Bonnyrigg, Hill Of Beath, Camelon, Musselburgh, Tranent, Haddington, Blackburn, Crossgates, Edinburgh Utd, Easthouses and Dunipace for having the foresight to see a brighter future for their football clubs and for taking their future into their own hands. If clubs do want to be part of the pyramid then the negative outcome of the PWG meeting for the SJFA will more than likely lead to more enquiring to join the pyramid before the EOS AGM in 3 weeks.
  2. I believe a few current Junior clubs in the West supported by the Lowland League, EOS, and SOS are in talks now about a creation of a West Of Scotland division for next year. General consensus is Junior Clubs wanting to stay Junior can, those wanting to be Licenced and part of the pyramid have a choice.
  3. Your committee point blank turned down the chance to engage in any chat and a meeting with Kelty, Boness and Bonnyrigg. 2 of these clubs have now took their destiny into their own hands.
  4. With the greatest of respect and for the avoidance of doubt Kelty Hearts will never return to the SJFA.
  5. Well off topic and a valid point tbf, suppose we will have to wait 7 year to find out. I’m sure we will have a plan B and C however to protect us and the community club.
  6. Like most other Council run 3G pitches, theres a secure fund setup with money put aside from bookings per year that goes towards replacing the pitch when its at its end.
  7. Jim Leishman signing off money, behave. Couldn’t do the coal race because of Kelty Hearts nice try in smearing.
  8. £7million was for the community centre, extension to the school and a 3G pitch, tarmac surround and fence. All other costs on ground improvements, Social clubs, squad etc have come through hard work and investment from sponsors. Kelty like most other towns had no investment whatsoever up until the Community Centre and extension to the school was done. The 3G pitch wasn’t even meant to go on CP, it was planned for the trotting track behind the North End of the ground, after finding complications with the ground FC asked us to rip up our pitch and install the 3G, something we weren’t sure about at the time but after we got assurances the surface would be the best available we went for it, if we didn’t it wouldn’t have happened.
  9. Will do although it is restricted to the Starting line up, goals and MOTM. I like to watch the match and not my phone for 90 mins updating corners, chances free kicks etc, kudos to the guys who do though 2 top sides going head to head, should be a cracker.
  10. West and North clubs can easily be slotted in at tier 6 and I’m sure the SJFA won’t have a problem achieving that if they so wished but the East is a totally different scenario entirely. Its very doubtful there will be anything in place within the next 6 months so that all clubs and associations have an agreement and clear plan presented to clubs on where they go and what the structure will be. For the SJFA to simply say they have a verbal agreement in place with an outgoing Chief Exec on all Junior clubs coming in at tier 6 is a very very bold statement to say the least and something that will neeed backed up quickly with a clear agreed structure for clubs in the East.
  11. Quite bizarre, there in lies a lot of chats and agreements on structuring that may or may not pass.
  12. Brilliant, wouldn’t say it throws the EOS in doubt at all. Lets hope it does go through and if it does it’s great work by TJ on behalf of his clubs. We all want to see a vibrant non league with clubs able to progress and prosper. Hopefully there’s a clear plan in place for all clubs starting next season so they know the lay of the land for their clubs in season 19/20.
  13. Doubt it, if this comes off then this will take a helluva time to get agreements and structures in place from all parties. Im sure TJ said he had an agreement in place with Stewart Reagan, what happened to that?
  14. Theres a “possible” “agreement in principle” recieved by “informal notification” with confirmation coming to the SJFA next week in writing or “verbally” from the acting SFA Chief Exec (who is leaving his post at the SFA on 5th May) that the Juniors will enter at tier 6 with a possible target for implementing commencing season 19/20. Until the SJFA have a clear plan in that it can be presented to its clubs with all the agreements in place between them SFA, pyramid working group, Lowland and EOS/SOS League then it’s not much to go on. For the sake of everyone involved they all need to get round the table as one to sort it out and present clubs with a clear integration plan and timeline, everyone working in different ways helps nobody. By committing to the pyramid and EOS for next season clubs know where they stand, the SJFA need the agreed plan sent to its clubs so they also have a plan to go on, verbal agreements and possibles aren’t enough at this stage.
  15. TJ has sent emails to clubs who are potentially leaving he has UNOFFICIAL (at this time) agreement from an SFA Member that Junior clubs can join in at tier 6 from next season. Although no one from the Non Pro Game Board, Pyramid Working Group, Lowland League, East Of Scotland or South Of Scotland know anything about this, they haven’t spoke to TJ for over a month. This causes massive implications in the pyramid system that would need agreements and big structure changes addressed by all groups. IF it comes to fruition then great, about time and hats off to TJ and co.
  16. Good point, you could argue the details and the facts on the pyramid weren’t passed onto us as clubs which is what happened. If we had done our research, knew Licencing wouldn’t be available to Junior clubs and the positives of the pyramid then things could have been different.
  17. How do we know the SFA didn’t approach the SJFA, I’m certain all non league club associations were asked to be part of the starting of a pyramid structure, SJFA refused to engage on the pyramid and Licencing and up until 6 weeks ago continued to do so. The alarm bells should have rung last year when Kelty left never mind 5 year ago when the LL begun, they have lost all credibility especially in the East.
  18. Should the powers that be in the Juniors not have got on board with Licencing when it came out or even the past few years? They have no one to blame bar themselves. I believe at their last meeting they were warning clubs away from getting licenced and the work needed to be done. Made them look rather silly when you see the criteria, research the facts and see the Licenced clubs table and who are currently Licenced.
  19. Bang on, a presentation with pros and cons after some research then the findings distributed to your clubs members and support. You could argue that committees or office bearers not doing this are failing in their role, all avenues should be looked at where a club you are serving can either prosper or go into a demise. Once the information is provided then at least a decision can be made based on this. This is a massive issue and has been for the past 12 month, to ignore it could be an act of folly. A lack of communication and information can be directed at some clubs, a shame as both cost nothing other than time.
  20. They migrate under the current structure that’s in place, easy. SJFA hold no bargaining power, they will hold even less if what we heard is true in that Tuesdays meeting was a negative, scaremongering disaster with no clear realistic plan to migrate. A dozen or so Junior clubs will join the bottom of the SFA Pyramid this season, the bargaining power becomes even less, and yes the better players in the East you would think will want to play in the LL and EOS. Where that leaves Boness Linlithgow and the remaining clubs left in the East who knows.
  21. So did we just say let us into the Lowland League upon our application as we are bigger and better than most in there and in the EOS League? We seized our moment, started at the bottom and that sits very well with us as a football club, any other way wouldn’t have been right or fair. The pyramid is in place, SJFA publicly and within meetings to work together stuck 2 fingers up to it and Licencing up until the last month or so. I mean TJ is still scaremongering clubs off getting Licenced so I’m hearing, unbelievable. Clubs destinies are in their own hands. If clubs want to be part of it you start at the bottom and work your way to the top through sporting integrity. Clubs will find their level in time. SFA, LL, EOS, HL, SOS owe Junior Clubs nothing, the LL has been battered by the SJFA and some of its clubs. Why would the guys in these organisations and their clubs want to entertain the SJFA at tier 6, it’s no going to happen, they are streets ahead in terms of structure, integrity, agendas, planning etc. The great Junior clubs make the Junior grade, TJ and co have fallen sleep the last 10 years at least and other grades and some of their clubs have overtaken and will continue to do so.
  22. Sure it won’t be regionally split next season.
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