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Everything posted by Rodhull

  1. Soutar can’t even get a game at a bottom of the table Stoke side and is further down the pecking order than Liam Lindsay who can’t get in the Scotland squad either. He could well go on to be very good but performances against Nepal or Chinese Taipei aren’t anything to go by. No more than the San Marino game is for Devlin and Findlay.
  2. Aye his old podcast was unlistenable after a while because he kept going off on bitter tirades regularly or was creepy as f**k whenever he was interviewing one of the former divas. At least Conrad’s format normally reduces the number of these outbursts significantly.
  3. There was talk of Bryson possibly being back after the international break but haven't seen any recent updates about it so guessing he won't be?
  4. Not sure why but I think I would rather play Hungary than Israel or Romania. Bulgaria does seem like the obvious best result though.
  5. With Scotland being promoted for next time round it looks like even if we finish bottom of our group we have a good chance of a playoff if that lineup is anything to go by.
  6. Kingsley seems to be playing semi regularly at Hull now. Not sure if the games he’s missed has been down to form or injuries. Martin was out of favour and/or loaned out at Derby for quite a while but got a chance recently and has scored 3 in their last 4 games I think.
  7. Man, hard to see how anyone could think The last of us was more repetitive than Spiderman? Besides the story missions that whole game felt like the same 5 or 6 tasks repeated over and over again.
  8. Unionist gatherings are normally led by the holocaust denier in his Union Jack shirt. Needless to say it doesn’t encourage much engagement.
  9. That’s the one cheers. Not wanting him back or anything but the guy above slating the SFA reminded me of him. Used to be on every week bickering with Michael Stewart so thought he had maybe moved away or something with being missing for so long.
  10. What happened to the former SFA guy that used to be on regularly, seemingly just to defend the SFA when everyone else was slating them for everything from International appointments to the compliance officer getting involved so often.
  11. I know he wasn’t the most popular player but if Chris Martin continues his good run of form for Derby I’d call him up. If Fletcher has no interest in coming back I think Martin is the only reasonable target man style Striker we have. He’s no world beater obviously but would surely hold on to the ball and bring our attacking midfielders into play more effectively than the other ‘more talented’ strikers we have. Watching the Wales game today and they had some lad up front I’d never heard of but he did a decent job of taking in plenty of long balls and maintaining possession in a way I don’t remember any Scotland striker doing recently.
  12. The number of people that are affected by a march that strongly it would sway the result of an Independence vote exists solely in your concern trolling. I’m sure if there was a mythical Independence march that somehow appealed to you, a staunch unionist you would still find a way to pick fault and create more colourful terms to insult their actions no matter how banal they were.
  13. Anyone that would use or think of the term 'constant shortbread-munching' is likely so far on one side of the independence debate that their opinion isn't going to be influenced.
  14. Mulgrew is the first choice every game and somehow manages to look worse than whoever he's playing alongside every time.
  15. Devlin looked great at the start of last season but hasn't looked quite the same since coming back from a long term injury. The fact that when a half fit McKenna came back against Hibs it was Devlin that was dropped rather than Considine probably says a lot.
  16. Wilson's injured just now and couldn't have played against Hibs.
  17. If we're including ones that only have a couple of caps Scott Dobie and Andy Gray, both capped by Vogts must be up there.
  18. I know their takeover appears to have fallen through today but I think any manager in a job would be taking a risk going there with the owners apparently looking to sell. Seem more stable than they were previously but still a tough job there. Maybe the new manager will clear out some of Ross's signngs and the likes of Mcgeough will head back up the road.
  19. I’m just going off the highlights sorry so no idea.
  20. Don’t think the Main one was a red. Cosgrove should have been booked again for his one. Mallan could have easily gone for his challenge as well though. Probably why Ferguson clattered him at the end. Wish he hadn’t though, we’ll miss him a lot more against Motherwell than Main.
  21. Rodhull


    I really like Tiny Rebel Dutty great beer, my local supermarket has started stocking it It’d probably be higher on my list if I got more of a chance to drink it. Haven’t seen it in any supermarkets but I don’t drink in the house much anyway so just have to rely on the rare occasion it’s on in a pub.
  22. https://www.derbytelegraph.co.uk/sport/football/football-news/worth-waiting-for-derby-county-3397548 Was hoping he’d continue to not get a game and we might be able to get him back in January but sounds like Shinnie was man of the match in his first league start for Derby.
  23. Mckenna starts and Cosgrove and Main both do too. I’m sure this will lead to free-flowing football. Good to see Ethan Ross get a start.
  24. Yeah the use Wilson has been very strange this season. Especially as he finished last season reasonably strongly on the wing I would have expected him to build on that but he seems pretty reluctant to use him at all. I know he has to use Main at some point after signing him but I don't understand why he would still pick him over Wilson in the games he's rested Cosgrove.
  25. Probably not but the way things have gone lately I wouldn't be surprised if Cormack took charge of finding a replacement.
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