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Posts posted by johnmc80

  1. If you are asking me if they have had sucsess then the answer is an obvious yes. The way the pyrimid is designed to work just now means it is extremely difficult for any team to play there way up. Winning the lowland league is just the start. You then have the highland leauge play off over 180 minutes and if you manage that you have another play off against spfl oposition. So as im sure you can see its going to take an exceptional team to make it unless they change the system. Hopefully spartans can follow edinburgh city and do it. And if they do or anyone else manages it in the years to come i wont be on here spouting about how much money they have spent. I will simply be saying well done and good on yous.

  2. Of course it has. Thats what happens in football. I love it when fans bring up the money side of things. Ek will have a good budget at this level no doubt. Dosent guarantee you anything though. Still got to go out and do it on the park. They have a good set up and a large part of the team are east kilbride boys. Nobody has come on here and said ek dont spend any money. Its just guys like you that always seem to have an agenda with them. You are from east kilbride aswell. I would have thought you would have liked to have saw your local team do well? What is it that the club does to offend you so much?

  3. Touch of the green eyed monsters going on in here. Ek have done better than they could ever have imagined when they were formed a few short years ago. Its came from hard work behind the scenes and yes, money from the trust and succesfull cup runs to build good squads year after year. Its a great set up right through from all the youth teams to the senior team and club should be applauded for there ambition. Not that the green eyed monsters would see that though.

  4. We'll see you if the game is on then Johnboy. I'll be there probably toting a big camera and a torch. Rab will be toting a load of programmes and a torch. Not sure if Newky is coming up for this but he'll probably send a torch up.

    Not sure if i will get away from work on time mantis. Wont know till later 2moro if i can make it. Hopefully will tho. Will be my first visit to the san fergie.
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