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Everything posted by Jacky1990

  1. Patronising c***s man. Get Jonathan Sutherland in the bin.
  2. Kicking off the show with one of the most boring, predictable games that was shown on live TV just cause it features one of the arse cheeks. State of scottish football sometimes.
  3. Probably an old one, but howling when i got sent this this morning
  4. Only turned the game on 10 mins ago and first thing I heard was that squeak, didnt have a clue what it was!
  5. Begging the cameraman to wipe the lense. Giving me a sore head watching this.
  6. With a support base known for not taking itself too seriously and self-deprecation, this surely is a cant miss.
  7. That would at least make sense! But calling him a Rangers hero when he played 20-odd games is just lying. The thicker elements of the cult will eat it up though and probably (sadly) gets them more clicks than if they just said "Inverness boss Duncan Ferguson". A sad state of affairs all round.
  8. Didnt realise the womens team had reached the league cup semi final. Class! Hopefully they can kick on an establish us as one of the better womens teams in the country.
  9. Saving his goals for Germany so he can take teams by surprise.
  10. Its quite bizarre. Especially when players like Eriksen and Fernandes offer so little 90% of the time and get away with it. Not his fault they constantly play him out of position in the midfield.
  11. Almost as shite as my timing
  12. There cant be a player a major club in world football who is as shite at decision making as Marcus Rashford. If there is the options to run, pass, cross or shoot, he has a spectacular ability to pick the worst option available.
  13. Coleman to concede a 94th minute debateable VAR handball penalty preferably.
  14. What the f**k has Tarkowski been booked for there exactly? Seamus Coleman is such a greetin faced wee arsehole though. Constantly complaining about this, that and everything.
  15. Cannot wait for this Everton team to get relegated.
  16. Yeah, its totally moved away from the mission statement of correcting clear and obvious errors in favour of whatever this version is. Football is far too subjective for the level of scrutiny they look at all these incidents (offside is obviosuly a bit different). If anything, they seem to be using it in a more disruptive manner than ever before rather than getting more streamlined.
  17. I was for it previously and still for it in theory, but the referees and football authorities seem incapable of using it competently. Get it binned.
  18. https://www.dailyrecord.co.uk/sport/football/football-news/hibs-trialist-adryan-won-poker-31869494 I've heard enough. Get him signed Hibees.
  19. Not convinced thats a penalty. Caley player misses the header right in front of him and his arm is by his side. What else is he meant to do?
  20. Best hope for some excitement here is if Alan Muir gets bored and just starts dishing out red cards and/or penalties for a laugh. Not against it.
  21. Dundee signed that Paneda from Mexico on the recommendation of Portales, but it turns out its just his mate he wants to bring over with him. Rumours of Kimmich to PSG, so quite possibly the biggest downgrade in football history if true.
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