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Everything posted by Jacky1990

  1. Dundee signed that Paneda from Mexico on the recommendation of Portales, but it turns out its just his mate he wants to bring over with him. Rumours of Kimmich to PSG, so quite possibly the biggest downgrade in football history if true.
  2. "We always do things the hard way". A phrase uttered by supporters of every single club in existance.
  3. Havent seen the Jota incident, but you could tell McCoist was wrapping himself in knots last night trying to avoid saying Fernandes dived. This whole "its clever from the attacker", "he feels the contact", "entitled to go down" stuff they hit out with is complete pish, but they are all at it and have convinced a worrying amount of fans that its true. A proper stain on the game that people seem more than happy to let slide.
  4. Not true though, is it? Aye, there was contact, but not a chance in hell it was enough to bring him down. Therefore he dived. Youd get laughed at if you did that playing fives.
  5. That was very clearly a dive. Just because there is contact doesnt make it a penalty. Ref in a great position as well. Imaginr having to dive against League 1 Wigan. Horrible wee rat of a player. Imagine him being your captain.
  6. Man Utd are so fucking boring to watch. Spent about a billion quid on the squad but dont have any discernible style of play. I feel bad for them, but Hojlund for £75mill and Antony for £80mill are starting to look like money laundering.
  7. Bit harsh on Ferrie. Good hit low with power. Not saying a better keeper doesnt get it, but hardly one thats his fault. Also, Jamie Langfield was decent.
  8. After watching this and the Palace-Everton game last night, starting to think football might be a bit shit. Might start following rugby.
  9. Im actually impressed they bothered to give the views of more than two clubs to be honest. Makes a change.
  10. Dodgy last minute Palace penalty please.
  11. Red for me. Studs up, over the top of the ball with a straight leg. Lucky he didnt fully catch him, but still a needlessly dangerous tackle.
  12. Hahahah no way they stream it on the big screens? I refuse to believe even they would be that much of a riddy? If they do, someone video it next time so we can all have a good laugh at how utterly detached from normality it is.
  13. Why should we give a flying f**k what fans from another country think of our league(s)?
  14. Only flaw is the idea that there are people in that stand who arent/dont sing those songs
  15. Or just to automatically erect an acoustic barrier in front of them. A solution that drowns out their shite and stops them seeing the game as a result of their pish. Win win.
  16. Pressed submit almost exactly as the ball went in the net. Can only apologise.
  17. Two games in a row Celtic look like they have no idea what to do against 10 men. This team should be able to run over teams with more space to play with.
  18. From the times Ive seen, they have tended to have Boyd as the pro-Rangers pundit. They'll then have a pro-Celtic one (in this case Brown, has been Lennon and Petrov recently). McFadden tends to get papped in the middle as a "neutral", despite everyone knowing his allegiance. Very rarely do they try bringing someone in with history/knowledge of the old firm's opposition unless its Hearts, Hibs or Aberdeen.
  19. Why is it that referees seem desperate to find ways to send players off if given half the chance? They never seem to give the offending player any benefit of the doubt whatsoever. Given how subjective fouls are in football, we need a complete change in refereeing mindset IMO
  20. Auch f**k off. Joe Hart dives down to clear the ball. Yellow card and move on ffs. Showing the slow mo and still images just totally takes away any context of the incident.
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