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Everything posted by Jacky1990

  1. Its a struggle. But same happens with this fixture every year it seems. Need a rule that states teams must have at least one kit that isnt a clash (or near clash) with the home kit of every team in the league. Literally nae need for this eye sore.
  2. Interesting signing for sure. Looking at the Glenafton team, theres a few with Thistle connections like Paul Paton and Gary Fraser being managed by Mark Roberts. Wonder it they have had anything to do with suggesting we get him on trial? On a side note, fairly sure he is the younger brother of a guy i went to school with.
  3. These Rangers statements are pathetic. SFA cant meet til Wednesday? You mean after the weekend and bank holiday? Funny that. The most desperate, needy, insecure club totally pandering to its desperate, needs and insecure fanbase.
  4. Not the only baldy fraud to lose today
  5. Playing a midfield three with him and Fernandes is insane. Prime Makelele would struggle alongside these two wasters.
  6. Jack Grealish club career goals - 57 Jack Grealish club career bookings - 59
  7. Neville sounds so depressed on commentary. Looking forward to him blaming multimillionaire players being unable to play simple 5 yard passes on some fat billionaires thousands of miles away.
  8. And there are folk who will sit there with a straight face and tell you scottish football is shite. Add this to the "scottish football is unrivalled" list. Fair fucking play
  9. I think hes been brought on so Rodgers can go to the board next week and say "look what youve left me with". Also see the reason Welsh and Scales started at the back A grifter of the highest order.
  10. Rodgers putting Mikey Johnston against Tavernier is a sure sign of a guy who doesnt give a f**k anymore. Wild substitution.
  11. Theyve grown up in a cult centred around entitlement and a sense of superiority. Its almost not their fault.
  12. I get that it should have been a second yellow, i just dont want those type of nothing fouls to merit game changing red cards. IMO there are far too many bookings and sendings off for what i want to see in games. But thats getting into the realms of what the rules are versus what i want them to be.
  13. How much did Rangers pay for Dessers again? Looking more and more like money laundering.
  14. Would it have been one, maybe two, second bookings if it was against any other team? Yes. But do I think either of those challenges should warrant a yellow card? No. Refs should keep 11 men on the park whenever possible IMO.
  15. Lads, whats the funnier scenario here? Celtic romp it 4 or 5-0 Or Rangers comeback to win 3-2?
  16. Rangers should consider bringing Cantwell on at some point.
  17. Referees just making up for not seeing Henry's handball against Ireland back in the day. See, these things really do even themselves out.
  18. He really is fucking woeful. A case study in how far pace can get you in football without any sort of technical ability.
  19. Need to change this now. Whether thats bringing Williams on and going to 5 at the back. Just something to keep us in the game at this stage!
  20. We're playing as if weve spent the last few days on the bevvy. United look significantly sharper in every department so far. Type of performance that has a stupid early Muirhead sending off written all over it.
  21. Careful. Comments like that might attract the oddballs in our support that didnt rate him and were delighted to see him go.
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