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Everything posted by Passionate

  1. I would cash the cheque quick or I can see Raith sticking a return to sender on Goodwilkues back
  2. Hopefully this gets over the line and soon and the rumours are confirmed.. was hoping to go to cove with a fully loaded squad, this We can sign loans until end of Feb only means you have 4 less important games to play when they sign...
  3. So is that the budget spunked then. #falkir k are back. #put that on pause
  4. Agree , we were crying out for new Full backs and we'd get them and don't play them in the right positions, the midfield was looking tired today, Dylan and Frizz need to player closer together to get the passing moves going, we need something extra in the final third, getting a little predictable...
  5. What's happening with Euan Henderson has he went back to Hearts, are you guys trying to extend it .
  6. I suppose it depends if they have paid up there money, back to the Excelsior Stadium then.
  7. Pretty sure it was full crowds albeit still recommending sitting 2m apart, These games have little enough atmosphere as it is..
  8. Is there any reason we are in the old main stand on Saturday, last time at firhill there was plenty socially distanced space for all supporters, cannot see us taking any more than 300 to this g ame... Seems crazy to open 2 stands for a max crowd of 750....
  9. To be honest !as t nights game was probably his poorest, especially first half, he has been different class all season though and it's a delight to watch him, can he cut it at championship level, I would say yes if he was in a decent side although championship football is a totally different beast to the seaside league .
  10. Do we need another striker or just our current lot being more clinical, unfortunately Sal is out just had an operation and McGill still to come back. Apart from Goodwillie and the cove boys I would say most other teams are in the same boat, is there any 20 goal strikers available these days, we have been linked to the lad Moffat from Celtic he is a fast, slightly built winger \ inside forward type who would fit into our system, can we seal the deal though..
  11. Where is Lochinch situated, is it a queens Park built facility or hired,
  12. What a crazy game of football, I thought Kyle MacDonald had a great game at left back and also Paterson looked good when he came on, very athletic, These 2 lads must start, I think Murray will go back to the dreaded 3 5 2 formation he has tried it before and it hasn't worked. Cannot see how it will work out of we don't they are both natural wingbacks... Was looking forward to seeing McCabe in Midfield, he played well enough but his passing was slow and predictable which affected Easton s game in the first half. We were dominant but we lacked composure and the old issue of stopping crosses came back to haunt us and we very nearly lost it as well, unbelievable....
  13. In answer to your first sentence , and it is an important point absolutely nothing unless of course you disagree......
  14. It's certainly not justifying it, it is stating a fact that a number used to do this in a regular basis.. That does in no means make it acceptable then or now.
  15. Spot on, we fought our corner and gave our all, we have improved from last season and so has Thistle, to me the game showed many flaws in our current side.... Lack of height and physicality at centre back, and left back, Thisle had 2 , 3 if you include he lad that was moved inside after the red. We need a centre back of the physicality of Crighon and the passing skills of Rhys McCabe...... Th istle dominated the midfield , an area where we normally dominate the touch tight duo of Docherty and Banniga n never gave Easton any space with or without the ball our 3 midfield players were far too far apart to generate any spells of pressure against 11 men......No spark or something different off the bench to change things up... How many fouls did Tbistle get by generally claiming for everything , The dark arts we are still very naive at this, not great to watch but it is all part and parcel of the game , Cove are exactly the same in our league and they don't need to as they are a good side... Good turnout and plenty overtime for the old bill...... Not going into the salutes because thousands did it at cup finals and especially at Old Broomfield probably plenty who post on here, The Trump flag is hilarious, my only problem with it, it has the old badge on it, it is a classic windup.... Hard to criticise flying the Union Jack in the United Kingdom, those who do are breaking no rules, expressing an opinion, a club tradition of flying the Union Jack was observed on every match day flying above the old pavilion...... Those offended can fly the saltire all they like or any other colours of there choice, maybe they don't feel proud enough to do it, given he state of the part of he UK we reside in...
  16. Decent player remember him at Alloa when we played them in the playoffs, is this happening or just usual ITK drivel
  17. I hope we are not going to wheel out the there's' still time' excuse, our rivals have spent big Montrose and Cove have made signings early , we must deliver now, or the ship could have sailed, we have no Margin for error in the pursuit of a seemingly unstoppable cove.....
  18. Do you expect him and Scott Fox to be unveiled this week...
  19. Agree things are getting tight squad wise, I think Saturdays bench was even weaker i didn't see Dean Ritchie anywhere although named, irrelevant now though, unfortunately the power is with players parent clubs, when it comes to loans, Murray seemed confident enough about 2 signings this week, let's not panic just yet..... we have a free hit this week in the Scottish Cup then a massive double header next week against Clyde and Queens Park both away..
  20. Has he played for you yet? I honestly haven't seen anyone so out of their depth at Championship level before. Changing it up , How was Kerr McInroy for the pars, he did great for ourselves in League 1 and looks 'unlikely ' it seems to come back, probably trying o get a gig in the championship, did he cut it previously.. Also the silly season is in full swing heard a couple of rumours of Kyle MacDonald coming back on loan, anything happening rumour wise at your end
  21. Not sure who my money would be on if that developed further, Nice to see a bit of passion and will to win.. Can anybody confirm why Dylan's goal was disallowed, maybe the stream watchers could help out, looked fine to me
  22. I think Falkirk like ourselves are caught up in the glory days, misty eyed, the fact of the matter is League 1 is of a decent standard of pla yer and manager, back in the day Gretna and their ragtag bunch of mercenaries went through the leagues, teams nowadays think they can do the same.. Money does indeed talk at our and all levels of football, but if it not invested wisely teams will constantly chase and spend there way into trouble.. Falkirk in all honesty should be know here near league 1, they are though and seem pretty clueless about what is required... listened to Marin Rennies pre and post match interview, there is a definitely a Stephen Findlay in him..... Airdrie a fantastic 3 points, showed all sides of our game today and dug it out, credit all round and we really do have our Airdrie back....
  23. Is it complacency or a lack of ruthlessness which we are also guilty of on the park ... We are 3 bodies down in an already threadbare squad.... Massive chance today to close the gap on one of the leaders of it goes pete tong, Questions will have to be asked acquire rightly so.... In saying that we have a good starting 11 and have game winners in the side.. Pressures on time to deliver.....
  24. Wish the lad all the best in the future, personally thought we could have used him as leverage in a swap dea!..... Hopeful!y that is the whole circus mov ing off, with nobody really any the wiser of claim and counter claim. No doubt the club will get its usual bad press for this mutual parting of the ways
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