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  1. Arbroath 1-2 Ayr (Linn - Moffat, Moore). Hopefully the past weeks events haven't affected us too much and we get a similar level of performance, although I've no doubt this will be a tougher game. I would take a draw here, given Arbroaths strong start and unbeaten home record, but if we play as well as we did in the last two games it should be enough to win and get Sandy off to a good start.
  2. Maybe I look at that time through rose tinted glasses but I always thought that back 4 of Robertson, Yogi, Craig and Lovering was excellent but that's a few times now I've see Yogi's name linked with being an arse at the time. Yogi was a bombscare for us. Duffy, Craig and Campbell were all far superior. I really dont fancy him managing us either.
  3. I've heard of McGowan, but not for playing football.
  4. I hope we manage to get them and have a couple of surprise late additions like last season. I was beginning to think we'd be waiting till January to bring anyone else in. We have looked a threat going forward in our games so far, but could still do with another number 9, preferably a target man to give us a more direct option, especially for later in the season. I think our defensive vulnerabilities have been clear and we are giving away a lot of needless goals through simple mistakes and we look exposed from set pieces. Hopefully Adams being back fit and bringing in another defender will help with that and we should be ok.
  5. The only thing I was wrong about was Ross not even being on the bench. I thought we totally dominated and could have easily scored more. It's worrying that we still managed to concede twice though and the defence will have to improve majorly as they will come up against much bigger tests this season and we have thrown away too many games with poor concentration and decision making, but thankfully today we held out. I think McCall is right now in thinking another defender is the priority, especially if we are going to play with one striker and we have Moff, Doolan and Moore to come back. The 4-3-3 looks a much better system for us and gives the wingers a bit more freedom to get forward and support the striker. Which was evidenced in 3 of them scoring. It also allows Kelly to get forward more and create and hopefully this will add more goals from midfield. Good to see 4 different goalscorers as well and 3 from the academy. Moff was outstanding and looks like he wont be long in hitting the 100 goals mark. I thought everyone played well but Moff was my man of the match although Forrest ran him close especially second half. Overall a good performance we look a real threat going forward but we really need to tighten up at the back and improve at defending set pieces or we will struggle against better sides.
  6. I think this is the best team we can put out atm, with Muirhead suspended and Moore still injured. Although I would have started Adams over Roscoe if he was fully fit. I also think this system suits our players better. Hopefully Ross gets some game time as he needs the match fitness. It will be tough as we tend to struggle against the bigger teams, but I hope we can get at least a point. Ayr 1-1 Morton (Moffat, Cadden).
  7. Happy enough with that and hopefully we can kick off the season with a win and a decent crowd.
  8. He was really poor to start with, but improved once he got match fit. He has pace and some ability, but didn't do much for us.
  9. We spent a fortune on our new sign for Somerset, that's why we have a reduced budget.
  10. We've offered our entire wage budget and a lifetime supply of Boaby Pies to Kris Boyd.
  11. I hope so too but have seen him linked with Hamilton and Livingston.
  12. https://ayrunitedfc.co.uk/crawford-moves-on/ I'm sad to see him go. That's us lost 6 starters from last season and leaves us needing at least another 4 or 5 players in. Anyone know where he's off to?
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