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Posts posted by Dundee-FC92

  1. 2 minutes ago, RossDee01 said:

    I agree with some of the points being made above but I really can't help this is a major over reaction. We were all on here the past few days saying we would have taken a draw last night, and if Darren O'Dea had just booted that ball over the derry like he should have done we would have got that draw and none of this would be happening. We've just come off the back of some exceptional form. Before last night we had taken a total of 17/21 points at home and won by the biggest away margin in Scottish football this season.

    Regarding the 2/3 year deals I don't see the problem. This is players careers after all so they're going to want some assurance, especially the ones who have families to look after so I imagine the longer term deals had to be done in order to bring these players in. Of course some of these players are going to be flops. We can't afford to pay a transfer fee for players so the risk involved in bringing these players in is very high. I actually think the majority of what he's brought in this season has been not too bad. Add that to Hemmings, Stewart, McGinn, Holt, Bain, O'Dea etc. and HArtley has done pretty well.

    Dundee fans are a fickle bunch at times, and you never seem to get overreactions like this at other clubs similar to us. For example Pogba at Thistle. He was woeful but you didn't see any fans slamming the manager for signing him. They just took the piss more than anything.

    I've said the same all season - no overreaction. Also the tail end of last season, relegating United was the only positive in another pathetic, weak, season of displays, where McGowan and Julen were still playing.

    Changes are needed, but i've had my say now. I'll remain quiet until everyone starts to panic after the next set of fixtures where we'll pick up very little.

    Thank you. 

  2. 9 minutes ago, RossDee01 said:

    Vincent has been excellent and easily one of our best players recently



    I agree Vincent is one of our better players. I don't mind having him next season. But lets look at our squad that are under contract for next season and who don't have to go anywhere if they don't want to (adding in McGowan who will definitely be offered a contract and Holt who deserves one).

    Bain, Kerr, O'Dea, Holt, McPake, O'Hara, Wighton, Loy, McGowan,  Hateley, Low, Julen, Williams, Yordi, Haber, El-Bak.

    Sixteen players signed up. Basically a full squad of the same old shite as this season. Now lets look at Hartleys comment after signing the new deal:

    "I've had total support from the board. I try to run the footballing side and that's what I'm paid to do, to try and bring the squad together, and the club have been fantastic so far: everything that I've asked for they've provided us with it."

    He's totally responsible for having amassed the incredible amount of dross that we have signed up for next season. It doesn't say much about the faith he has in Hateley or Ross (another coup) that we drafted in Klok this January.


    25 minutes ago, G_Man1985 said:

    The only thing id ask but I know you don't like getting asked questions is say we get rid of all the shite players we have, that leaves us with about two or three good players, let's get rid of the manager also, who do we bring in that would or could do a better job ?

    I agree I hate when Hartley cokes out with shite about cup runs and entertaining football when reality is we did/do none of these.
    But get yourself back to dens , it beats all the years of being in the first division, watching midweek games of Dundee v Dumbarton or getting beat by alloa.



    I've said before i'm not a board member and won't see the applicants. I can't say who the man to take us forward would be, the board who get paid for this would have to show some initiative and prove their worth. It's very simple to understand G-Man. 

    20 minutes ago, Psychedelic said:



    C'mon, worst to watch in a decade? You just lost all credibility with that one. Every time we have a poor result this nonsense gets wheeled out - I've seen plenty worse Dundee sides than this one and I'm only 25.

    Scottish football is what it is, every side in the league apart from Celtic struggles with erratic form most seasons. You've clearly made your mind up though, so just support Manchester United and Real Madrid and be done with it.



    I said the season's been the worst on the whole to watch, not the team. We're struggling with erratic form because the manager continually plays the same players who are major parts in this erratic form. There's not a chance we'll make top 6 this season so just stop the fucking delusion. 

     Another thicko, but that's not a surprise. However, what improvement can be expected over four years to quote the Einstein of Dundee threads.

    Thank you. 

  3. Just now, (._.) said:


    f**k up Deeboy, you go to about two games a season and post nothing worthwhile. You're a fucking fritter.

    Just now, Ludo*1 said:


    Absolute minter of a post


    Tell me where i'm wrong.

    McGowan has been central to continual failures, over and over again, yet never gets dropped when fit.

    Julen is a dreadful player who would get into no other team in the league. Everyone knows it, so why does he continue to play? Of course he's going to have the odd game where we get away with him at the back such as Motherwell away.

    We're budgeting for top six and have signed alot of donkeys on long term contracts. We have one of the worst squads in the league on one of the higher budgets outwith the top 4. The budget we give the manager is to finish top six. This was the terms set by the board, not me. 

    Adding clowns like Klok into the squad to pick up a free wage until the summer ain't gonna help either. Haber's a big fucking donkey who up against a proper defender in Lindsay got dominated last night.

    I don't give a f**k about watching shite teams or performances now and again, it comes with supporting a small club. If there's some sort understanding as to where we are, then i'll accept it. This season's been pish though, a total failure, from the cups to league position (we'll finish 9th or 10th). I'm sure the board would agree with the assesment of the season aswell. Pish.

    I certainly won't be back until these continual errors are sorted.

    I've had enough of Hartley and his pish, especially his shite about playing attacking, entertaining football. Get to f**k, this season on the whole has been the worst to watch in a decade. 

    I'm out.


  4. Just now, RandomGuy. said:

    Calls people shitebags.

    Shitebags out when the going gets tough..

    The going is hardly tough. It's a bad result after a good home run (of results not performances) and a couple excellent displays in the last week or so.

    We'll go nowhere with this manager and squad however. I'm not supporting the team with shitebags getting a game week after week. McGowan lauded by the support when he's embarrassing. Julen getting games still. Haber on a two year deal. Enough is enough,.i'm not supporting this manager or certain players with my presence anymore - they don't deserve it.

    I'm out until something is done. Adios.

  5. I'm fucking sickened with this squad. Totally at my wits end.

    We're rubbish. We've battled wonderfully against Rangers and demolished a stinking Motherwell defence in a 20 minute period. We'll never reach a higher standard than a few good wins here and there with this squad/manager though. 

    Williams on a three year contract has me in pain tonight, chaps. McGowan central to our weak as shit midfield again for the hudredth time since he signed. Julen with an insipid display, proving his woefulness. We always throw in a great performance now and then which gets alot of c***s carried away.

    Change is needed in the summer. I've had enough, the manager is failing in his duties. He's been backed to the hilt and has us with a squad who are no better than even Ross County who are below us at the moment. We're failing at the moment and it's because teams like Partick Thistle have assembled a stronger team than us.



  6. Just now, stumigoo said:

    I would hate for either club to move, purely for nostalgia reasons.

    Owners are a strange bunch, you never quite know where they are going despite their attempts at claiming they have a plan. Some are good, some are bad (in our case he was good and is now bad). 

    Scottish football is a difficult market to operate in partly because there is a glass ceiling (and not a very lucrative one). Clubs have to be smart in their investments and forward planning. The long term money IMO is in youth recruitment and selling on at a profit. The problem we've had with that is that we have then completely cut the funding to the development so we have nothing left to flog. 

    Boredomguys dads came along aswell.


  7. 10 minutes ago, Ludo*1 said:

    Accounts are out.

    We've made a loss of a touch more than 500k.

    Nelms interview on the official confirms that FPS aren't concerned about that and as per their agreement when they took over the club they'll write it off.

    They don't want to be losing money every year though and we need to move from Dens. They believe it's crumbling and they paid £200k just to keep it ticking over.

    Nelms confirmed that the plot at the ice arena is where we want to build a new stadium and we've been in talks about it for over a year.

    We budget as a top 6 club every season and the board accept that risk and are prepared to offset our losses if we don't make it there.

    They're building a new training facility as well.

    Nelms is still working on us playing a game in the US but there's a lot of 'politics' involved.

    We are hosting an event for kids when we play Hamilton at home so stay tuned for that.

    Nelms says he's looked all over Britain to future proof our stadium when it gets built. Doesn't give any examples but the rumour is we will be basing our stadium on Rotherham's.

    Cheers Spencey.

  8. 58 minutes ago, LiamDFC said:

    I know for a fact that at least 2 ex-Dundee players 'regularly' read this during the Bomber Brown saga... to be fair to them, P&B was a much more vibrant place back then.

    I'd guess that quite a few of the players probably keep an eye in here. Scottish football is small and it isn't like they're in the papers every day. If any of you are reading, please relay this message to the gaffer:

    Stop playing Tom Hateley

    Thank you.

    Before fannies like Radford wiped out a cluster of posters who swore at them.

    Fucking helmet of a man.

  9. 45 minutes ago, LiamDFC said:

    I think Holt's been pretty solid all season, tbh. He's been under a lot of pressure as he's had absolutely nothing in front of him.

    Just a thought.

    Eta: Hateley should be hung, drawn and quartered, with a limb hanging from each corner flat as a warning to current and future players to never be so shit.

    Thank you.

    Big Marcus Haber to do the chopping of the limbs. He looks like the sort of c**t that's into that stuff IMO.

    Thank you.

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