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G51 Red

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Everything posted by G51 Red

  1. No, sorry, that point stands. Poor turn of phrase, IMO .....
  2. 4-4 .... WTF ... Well done Motherwell...
  3. 4-1 ... WOW ... Well done St Mirren .....
  4. This ^^^ and where did the rock , stone , whatever hit him ... on the head ? on his big toe ? no photos of a sad and injured victim ?? maybe some wee guys did chuck a stone at him , I don’t know ( don’t think anyone will find out the “true”story ) , but a mountain has been made out of a mole hill or it’s lies ....
  5. £29 for the ( currently) 2 bottom teams in the league ? FFS ......
  6. Make or break for Accies on Saturday , IMO .... lose and the best we can hope for would be the play-offs , and even that would be a long shot .....
  7. How do you think Accies could /should do this ? They care very little for any of the fans ( whether Section A or middle stand season ticket holders ... the experience for all is shocking .. How they hope to hang on to any new fans who attend is beyond me ...
  8. How do you know that , FFS ? ? Do you know everybody that used to attend ?? And their reason for non attendance now ? That’s a nonsense statement ..... And what you said re. Mr. McGowans wee chats .. you know Freddie don’t you ?
  9. Ok , but out with the points I have answered ... what do you think about what he has posted about the fan “experience “ ? He seems to be talking about the same kind of thing I was re. to the clubs response to criticism at the games ... Section A , evil eye from Mr McGowan and co. ....middle of the stand evil eye from someone else ( I take it they are connected to the club ) .... This puts people of going to games . I know I don’t go as often to home games as often as I used to because of this ... f**k getting a ban from the stadium just because I dare to shout out in anger/ frustration / or just sheer bewilderment at some of our play / players / management team or BOD ....
  10. Re. section A ... yes the club were good to the youngsters at the start , but as soon as the football became shit ( the canning effect , if you want to call it something) , then some ( if not most ) of the most vociferous Anti Canning / Board folk were housed in and around Section A and loads of people were asked in for wee chats / banned or stop going cause of the constant “Evil eye “ of Mr McGowan and his henchmen men ...Do you have any proof they have went to other clubs ? Yes there were lots of free tickets given , and the ground was ( much) busier , but free tickets are still given out , however , the crowds are dropping. So who are the free tickets going to now? It looks to me as if they are not attending the games even with free tickets ...so the freebies need to be targeted ( if that’s the right word ) differently... As for the shop .... Accies can’t even get the club shop at the ground in some sort of order , so what hope did a shop in ( a dying ) Hamilton town centre have ?
  11. lifted this from Acciesworld ....Tumbelweed posted it ... I agree with a lot of what is said .... Thoughts ?? I go pretty much every week and have done for years. This is the first season I can remember deciding not to go to some games because it's just not worth putting in the effort - I live far from Hamiton - to often get very little back from the team, and even less from the club who could not care less about fans individually or collectively. There is so little supporter interaction that no-one in any position at the club could really claim they even give two sh!ts what we thought, could contribute or indeed even if we turned up week after week. I'm not asking for a cuddle at the turnstiles, to be carried shoulder-high to my seat, to have butler service at halftime or even to have a hot stone massage after the game, but to actually be looked at as anything other than a piece of suspiciously pungent brown mess on the collective management's shoes. The 'supporter experience' at NDP is to sit down, shut up and be grateful for watching SPFL football. If Maitland or whoever thinks otherwise, there really is no hope for the club's long term future. I'm sure each of us could quickly come up with 5 things that really p!ss us off about the club (the team is another matter) and most of them are so easily fixed it is laughable that they are allowed to continue. Website? For YEARS its been absolute amateur hour which a reasonably sentient chimpanzee could fix in a heartbeat Ticket purchases for home OR away games? How anyone knows when we are playing and how they can attend is beyond me. We don't know yet if we can buy tickets at Tynecastle in a couple of days? How is that possible? Blame Hearts all you want but its another impediment to fans travelling. Buy 2 tickets and shop staff need to use a calculator? Eh? Presence around Hamilton? Emmm... absolute zero and therefore interest from townspeople is also zero. And who can really blame them? Shout about what we are watching on the pitch and certain individuals at the tunnel scan the crowd then stare and scowl as if they're John Rambo when they're far more Joey Essex. You'd think we were screaming for their families to be ritually tortured on the pitch at half time rather than moaning about losing goals 2-year-olds would take a beamer at. Season ticket holders (as in they're holding them in their hands, clearly they havent bought them) wandering about looking for 'their' seat every week, although this is far more prevalent when the ugly sisters are in town. Plenty of those sets of fans in the home stand for every game against them and the club say they didnt know about it but would look into it. Result - pipe down ya muppets, nothing to see here and so nothing changes and it continues to happen every single time. See, 5 things and I've not even started. Even on Tuesday one half of the turnstile exit gates were closed, meaning we had to traipse through plenty of lovely puddles to get out when the other side was far more accessible. Sh!te I know but why does petty garbage like that happen every week and why do the club not do something to help? Possibly because its nice and warm in the directors boxes and they couldn't care less about you or I. Fountain of Youth Stadium? FOY stadium then surely, but it says FOYS Stadium in big letters above the front door. Where did that extra 's' come from? And how much extra sponsorship did it bring in? We are a complete joke in terms of trying to grow the club, in terms of what we expect fans to put up with, in terms of trying to make it a pleasant experience to go to games. I know nothing will change because those running the club see us as an irrelevance to be mocked, derided or just plain ignored. Fans forums are great for the 15 minutes they last, but when the same stuff is discussed every time and NEVER CHANGES in any way, shape or form, I'm afraid it's getting easier and easier to spend the time and money I would otherwise contribute to Scottish football on other things. I always love the team (even when we're rotten) but I wish a bid GIRFUY to those in charge .
  12. Some fans weren’t interested ( or were not wanted ) because of who was seen to be in charge ..... the old happy clappers v the doom mongers story ....
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