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Everything posted by Wee-Bey

  1. A new keeper, centre back, manager and tactics, and I quite fancy Dundee to turn this round and avoid relegation this season.
  2. Some fine goals tonight tbf. Some of these smaller part time sides can be fun to watch. Pressley ffs. Depressing c**t making it sound like a shitfesting 0-0
  3. Cadburys aren't allowed to to call them Easter eggs anymore because they're halal. This country has gone to the dogs imo.
  4. Who knows ? It's a real head scratcher tbh. What do these 3 far flung former empire outposts have in common ? Given the changing demographics of Britain, it would be better off with the likes of Pakistan and Nigeria. We could call it PANUK.
  5. It would certainly make a change from this country, where you can't even say you're British these days or they throw you in jail.
  6. It makes zero geographical sense. Endorsed by the Adam Smith Institute and the Henry Jackson Society. Fire directly into the sun please.
  7. I take it all back, she's finished. This is worse than any Salmond cover up. Dead to me now.
  8. Slaying absentee landlords with his flaming sword of land reform.
  9. Whisper it, but are we becoming a decent bunch of big sexy shithouses ?
  10. Steve Clarke looks horrific in High Definition. The stuff of nightmares.
  11. A fit and interested Fraser is a massive player for us.
  12. I'm sure the post 2014 tactics of furiously waving union flags and screaming 'shut the f**k up' is about to pay dividends very, very soon for the No supporters. I'm also convinced that any day now, the media will stop laundering the Tories' shit and hold them to account rather than continue to deceive the public in order to keep the whole venal, corrupt shitshow moving. I also fully believe that this time, the vows of real change of full federalism and sexy superduper, maximum Devomaxiness are about to happen and are not in anyway the latest in a long line of shit the bed, panic strewn, liberal centrist 'compromise'
  13. I think he'll struggle to top posting 'the natters peaked in August and it's all downhill now' a few hours before today's 58% Yes poll. It's going to be full on 'no tanks in Baghdad' Comical Ali stuff from here on in.
  14. Aye, massive 'our man in Edinburgh' vibes about Murray and the Labour right/melts. And the Labour right grievance with the SNP is fuelled as much by independence as it is by being ursurped as the 'job for life / pin a rosette on a monkey' hegemonic power. You're not going to get that sweet, sweet House of Lords gown and shill for landlords and arms companies if you can't even get elected in Paisley.
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