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Everything posted by Cheese

  1. Nuttall wearing his DAB's tie again. Get him in the sea.
  2. With sizzling hot takes such as this, I for one am baffled as to the reason why the majority of posters on here think you are a complete moron.
  3. May says Juncker will find out she is a bloody difficult woman. Ruth says Juncker is a drunk and can't be trusted to be honest after a good dinner. Financial Times saying the Brexit bill is now 100 billion Euros.
  4. Big mistake from the Tories here imo. Should have led with the rape clause. It's a sure fire vote winner
  5. Ah, ok then. should have remembered this from my previous accounts Cheers
  6. Not an alias. Out of interest tho, who do you think I am/was ?
  7. As a relative newcomer to this forum, this thread has certainly been a bit of an eye opener for me.
  8. Steven Rome !!!! SNP/Papal conspiracy imo. 'No hope of Rome' - Tayside Loyal RSC
  9. Terrible stuff that. It's an old American joke used to describe Bush, Obama etc. You can see they've left rancher in there instead of changing it to farmer and dumb arse changed from dumb ass.
  10. Sabre rattling in the pacific also... http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-asia-39542990 He wouldn't, would he ?
  11. Tbf to David Icke, shapeshifting reptilians sound cool as f**k. Bat shit mental likes, but cool as f**k
  12. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2017/04/02/britains-navy-far-weaker-falklands-could-still-cripple-spain/ Less than a week into this shit and major newspapers are openly debating about a possible war with an EU country.
  13. Both Ceuta and Melilla were 'Spanish' cities even before some parts of mainland Spain were liberated from the Moors. They send MP's to the Spanish parliament. The UN doesn't consider them colonies unlike Gibraltar.
  14. https://www.theguardian.com/politics/2017/apr/02/spain-drops-plan-to-impose-veto-if-scotland-tries-to-join-eu We can finally put the Spain veto bullshit to bed now.
  15. Seems to be kicking off in Paraguay ... https://www.theguardian.com/world/2017/apr/01/paraguays-congress-set-on-fire-after-vote-to-let-president-run-again
  16. A 'Spanish veto'. Shoes on the other foot now.
  17. Nandy just looks bored having to deal with idiots like Ruth and Nuttall.
  18. FFS Marine A being white knighted now.
  19. My seethe level rising every time Davidson opens her gob. Enjoying Nuttall scrambling for relevance though.
  20. Davidson and Nuttall talking like they have any say or influence in what May's cabinet are going to be doing. Davidson's brass neck talking about scaremongering. Bad times when Len McCluskey is the good guy on the panel.
  21. Gets a telt from Nandy and comes back with the Corbyn/IRA stuff. Minter.
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