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Everything posted by Wee-Bey

  1. Yeah, my favourite ever save was my Faroes one. Qualifying for a world cup and successive Euros felt like a real accomplishment. I have FM24 but not really played it much, I'll be sticking with it though as I won't be buying the game when it doesn't have International management.
  2. Shree years before you see any difference in your energy bills.
  3. Industrial decline and unemployment is good actually.
  4. Running trains on pensioners means something different these days.
  5. It's the quiet ones you have to watch out for, as me old mam said.
  6. Halloween hasn't been the same since it started overlapping with Poppy season.
  7. Zero f**ks given about the pointless touchline shouts and social media shite. International football has needed an overhaul, but ditching it entirely is woke nonsense. On the 'skipping a year' point. This could work in theory if they released a slightly cheaper 'update' version, trialled a few new features with the promise of the brand new all singing and dancing version next year. They'll still shift loads of copies, but this will bite them on the arse imo.
  8. It was of course a jest. Although nowhere near as bizarre as your 'greedy train drivers and teachers have crashed the economy and are freezing pensioners to death' take mind.
  9. Kincy is on twitter. I'm not going to post his @ as it has his real name in it which feels a bit like doxing, but if you search hard enough you'll find him.
  10. Cancelling a helicopter will go down as one of the most important pieces of legislation in our countries history. Statecraft at it's finest.
  11. Disappointed to see the politics of envy from the woke left here.
  12. Congrats to the loon who gets to put up the shiny brass plate on the door and the quine inside who answers the phone I guess.
  13. The poundshop Dawkins act is always pretty funny tbh.
  14. Just Derek Hatton it? Force Labour to either bail them out or enforce the cuts.
  15. The people of California and New York should pick the president, no one else.
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