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Everything posted by Wee-Bey

  1. The PM plays 5's on a Monday night and has a Slazenger bag. We've got are country back.
  2. My 'I don't say this to boast or curry favour with you" t shirt has a lot of people asking questions already answered by the shirt.
  3. I'm not so sure. If they can avoid a clownshoe campaign there's no reason why the vote won't collapse to an extent that they don't pick up seats. Yeah, it's different for sure, but they will be an easy list vote for plenty of constituency Tory voters.
  4. I'm not a SNP member, supporter or voter. I think privatisation of the public sphere is bad regardless of who is doing it. Unlike yourself of course who simply cannot answer a question on this website without resorting to whataboutery. You also know fine well that public spending levels in London/England affect the amount of money the other 3 nations receive. But we were talking about Wes '170 grand in donations from private healthcare' Streeting's 'plans' of course. And I see that objectively the worst people in the country, the swivel eyed Tory press are obviously upset about having Labour in government, but are absolutely rock hard for wee Wes' NHS 'reform' plans. Whatever could that mean ?
  5. Robèrt Guillaumesòn
  6. If she'd made hating Tam Cowan part of her pitch to voters, she might have kept her seat.
  7. Is he not mates with Phil the Thrill ? Would be a box office Vice Captain pick. Agree it seems a sensible pick on paper and better than what would become a circus with Tiger in charge. I wonder how popular he is with fellow pros though as he's a bit of an oddball imo.
  8. It's because the woke globalist elite have built weather machines and keep turning the 'hot' dial up to 10.
  9. The frogs love a protest and a riot tbf, I'd imagine that has something to do with it.
  10. They got 167,000 votes on Thursday. The Greens won 8 seats in 2021 with 221,000.
  11. The South East is her auld man's base and has been for years. She sits in the North block where she hoovers up petit boug votes from the semi rural, semi urban 'Tory Shires' type of places. This is a broad generalisation though as they'll receive votes from all social and class groups.
  12. We were shite because the SNP were shite seems a strange argument to make for a party who are quite open about how they think the SNP are shite.
  13. Crushing win for the left alliance so far, unsurprisingly. Where all my righties at ?
  14. Banana could be pretty funny at times, just pure 2016 alt-right Internet brain. But aye, definite Hitler particles.
  15. Overweight bald man in a decade old Rangers top really is the quintessential British look.
  16. Inspired by the constant incorrect labels applied to political figures, parties, movements and individual issues (not just on here, but in general) and by @The Other Foot and @MazzyStar passive aggressive back and forth over several threads, this is the P&B guide to political ideology. So... Is Nigel Farage a fascist ? Is the Conservative Party no longer Conservative ? Is Jeremy Corbyn far left ? Are Lenin and Mussolini two sides of the same coin ? Are you a beige centrist ? Are you a woke Marxist Globalist ? What posters have you identified as having Hitler particles ? Who on the forum will be operating the guillotine when the time comes ? Does it really matter and is it all just the irresistible forces of financial capital eventually crushing us all like the insects we are ?
  17. Right, I'll set the thread up then you two.
  18. Seem to be hearing and seeing a lot more of ol' war criminal Tony recently.
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