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Everything posted by Wee-Bey

  1. Got 1-0 spawny England penalty written all over this game.
  2. The Tories weren't interested in it at all and the LibDems are a pointless rabble of clownshoes.
  3. This is disingenuous bullshit and you know it.
  4. Absolutely massive signing this is.
  5. A gender swapped George Osborne.
  6. The party itself is incredibly shallow. It's basically a one man band with 'concerns about immigration' and some vague Thatcherite handwaving. It's what happens next that's key. Does he effectively merge with the Tories and accept that he's 'won' having changed them and rooted out the wets/liberals, or does he smell the blood in the water and keep going. They made massive inroads on Thursday, they only won 5 seats but were second in over 100 others, loads of them Northern Labour ones. He'll be targeting them next.
  7. We should have more referendums.
  8. Young folk still overwhelming prefer Labour/Greens/SNP. It probably looks like a jump compared to the tories who have always polled badly with da yout. What's more of a concern is the vote increasing across the entire country outwith their traditional dilapited seaside towns heartlands and the smaller blocks in post industrial northern England.
  9. In what way are these going to be different from the Tories?
  10. Fucking hell, it's still 2024. Delete this.
  11. The independent got around 350 votes
  12. He's done a decent job at Raith tbf.
  13. I think it's the case that they're still wanting 3rd country processing, just not Rwanda.
  14. Me after reading this and being a diddy after forgetting Burnham.
  15. An utterly dismal result for these this week. It was always going to be tough/impossible to break through at WM with the voting system and this particular election, but to lose every single deposit is fucking hilarious. Holyrood 26 might be a last throw of the dice.
  16. Couldn't even tell you who any of the Mayors are in England apart from Sadiq Khan. What powers do they have in comparison with a normal run of the mill Leader of x Council.
  17. Not Mayors but elected Lord Provosts in Scotland shirley ? It probably makes sense in a place the size of London, but somewhere like Dundee, it seems pretty pointless. Another party drone to vote for.
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