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Everything posted by Wee-Bey

  1. As well as seeing the last of around 250 Tories tonight, we'll hopefully see the last of the likes of Supertanskii and Led by Donkeys.
  2. On target for an SNP majority here with John Hughes as the official opposition holding them to account.
  3. Mazzy s right, it's a fucking stupid argument.
  4. I think Abla will be around in some shape or form for a good while yet, although there's clearly huge barriers to them being elected in any significantnumbers atm.
  5. Shree more years !! Shree more years!! Shree more years !!
  6. Top of the league, you'll never sing that.
  7. Imagine was his most famous tune, but I prefer Jealous Guy
  8. God no. It's bad enough this shitshow lasts for at least 4 weeks, never mind 8.
  9. It's John McVeigh is a tit.
  10. A hell of a lot of noticing going on by the nominally left liberal media, on the eve of the election here. What could it mean ? Who knows.
  11. It's an effective strategy for winning an election for sure, but it's highly likely to run into serious problems pretty quickly.
  12. Bobby is living his best life. Leave him alone.
  13. Right then John Curtis, calm the f**k down.
  14. Big Jeff having to attend mass every Sunday in Rio to keep up his cover.
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