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Everything posted by Wee-Bey

  1. The Sultan will be most pleased.
  2. Aye, that was fun.
  3. No sleep for @welshbairn tonight
  4. Just about every team on this side of the draw knows that this will likely be the best chance they'll ever have to reach a final.
  5. Baumgartner sounds vaguely like a homophobic slur.
  6. Big Davie Alaba no play for these anymore ?
  7. I watched the opening game on ITV and since then it's been German TV, Fox and RTE. I'll never watch a tournament on UK TV again.
  8. 500 years on, will the Ottomans finally conquer Vienna ?
  9. Aye of course they would. I'm not a SNP member or voter though. I'd also argue that Westminster doing it increases the liklihood of it happening much more up here too.
  10. Why are the Dutch potentially playing the Austrians again the 1/4 final after playing them in matchday 3 of the group stages. Woke nonsense.
  11. The caveat is of course that it's Hibs, but I'm 95% certain that we'll see more return for that 150k however it's spent as opposed to the contribution of Henderson.
  12. Romania, consistently the worst haircuts in football since 1994.
  13. The bigger the bonfire, the bigger the Ivory Coast Flags you need to put on it though.
  14. Nice try Daily Mail, but I still won't be voting Reform.
  15. Terrible ending last night with that shoot out. All set up as well after Ronnie's miss and the tears and snotters that followed. Have the footballing gods taken this tournament off ? They better be cooking up an an all timer of an England exit.
  16. Rangers Linfield Chelsea Hamburg Beitar Jerusalem
  17. *crying You can't just say anything is Middle Class, it's about relationships to the means of production and social status. *laughing See that pigeon over there ? It's Middle Class.
  18. If I was facing the 'gravest threat to democracy in the history of the world' I would simply not put up a lukewarm corpse as his opponent.
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