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Everything posted by Wee-Bey

  1. It remains to be seen. What was also interesting about this primary was that Cortez managed to push Crowley left on stuff like healthcare and a living wage. All from a crowd funded campaign whilst she was never even interviewed by the NY Times despite this being the first primary challenge in 14 years. This might end up being a pretty significant moment in American politics.
  2. A massive win for the left in the NY Democrat primary. 28 year old Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez beat Jim Crowley. Here's her platform.
  3. President Moron arguing with a motorcycle pretty much sums up American politics.
  4. We need to maximise any McGinn transfer fee, so happy to see him go to the highest bidder. Petrie previously confirmed that it was 7.46% plus some training cones and bibs. Hopefully we'll get a bidding war.
  5. Taylor just i think. Great fight.
  6. I wish I shared your optimism, however if the last 3 years have taught us anything it's that.. There's a good chance the Dems will fail to put up a suitable candidate capable of beating him. The election campaign will be an absolute shitshow of lies, false claims, bots and fake news. A large part of the country will support him regardless of the lies and what he says or does. It's a cult at this point now. There are many Republican 'never Trumpers', however they are all also 'never Democrats'. They'll hold their noses and vote Red. The left will stay at home if the Democrat candidate is shite.
  7. Large parts of the Democrat party are an absolute shambles. Can see plenty of them getting routed in the mid terms. Trump will easily win in 2020 as well.
  8. I like old football photos and I found a nice picture for you lads on twitter. The team crossing Gorgie Road for a quick pint and a woodbine at half time. Or whatever they used to do back then.
  9. Got a favour to ask lads. If i die, could one of you arrange for a fat moron to autograph my picture for my mum. Even from beyond the grave, i would like to help her own the libs.
  10. Hmm, it's like you never read my previous post where I advised you that it was a shit analogy to make. Do you really need me to explain it to you ?
  11. That's a terribly simplistic argument to make with a pretty shit analogy thrown in. Please try again.
  12. ^^^^ had to google diatribes after reading my post. I'll agree to stick to gifs, but only if you agree to continue making a c**t of yourself whilst white knighting* wife beating scumbags. * you might have to google that m9.
  13. Thanks m9. It certainly took less effort than the tear stained diatribes you've been churning out on this thread.
  14. Heads gone thread for this now please.
  15. Shocked to see the Rangers fan on here defending the wife beating scumbag.
  16. Wanted the Welsh mob tbh. Quite a few would have made the journey. Currently checking flights to Greece.
  17. If she's offering everyone a unicorn who farts rainbows and breathes fire, then Yes are going to absolutely skoosh it. It'll make Boab Mugabe's re-elections look like a close run thing.
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