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Everything posted by Wee-Bey

  1. Labour opposes a second Scottish independence referendum. It is unwanted and unnecessary, and we will campaign tirelessly to ensure Scotland remains part of the UK. Well that was easy, I found it in the sole paragraph they dedicated to Scotland in the manifesto.
  2. I've got a recording of him calling Mexicans rapists. It was forgotten about after a week or two. Trump dropping the N bomb will probably increase his ratings.
  3. It's getting really fucking boring now. Are the press really going to continue to run with this shite all the way to the next election ? He's a clownshoe but not an anti semite. Also a big fan of basically calling Netanyahu a war criminal yesterday.
  4. Only in America could someone look at NASA and say 'yeah they do great work, but how much better would they be if they could kill millions of people too'
  5. https://ijv.org.uk/2018/07/26/not-in-our-name/amp/?__twitter_impression=true Over 700 members of the Jewish community including academics sign a petition criticising the Jewish newspapers' reporting of this issue.
  6. Tfw you tell Celtic to ram their lowball offers and only have to give St Mirren a bag of Mitre Deltas and a crate of Irn Bru as a sell on when you punt your biggest asset.
  7. GordonS has put it more eloquently than I will but, if you think that all nationalism is the same or that all nationalism is bad, then you're a fucking moron.
  8. Gutted that Harris has resigned. He'll be a great loss to the *squints* military industrial complex.
  9. You're having a fucking nightmare here m9. Second Saturday night in a row. See you next weekend.
  10. Phil has jumped the shark with his latest posts.
  11. Giving racist cretins a platform increases support for said racist cretins. https://www.cambridge.org/core/journals/british-journal-of-political-science/article/does-media-coverage-drive-public-support-for-ukip-or-does-public-support-for-ukip-drive-media-coverage/81B77DDCA9B0DE26A8DF18B15158EF16
  12. I'm not a fan of the two state solution, why do we need two Palestines ?
  13. 'If the Sudetenland Germans have moved on why can't the Palestinians' is a hot take I did not expect to see.
  14. Can't wait for my blue passport ration card.
  15. Who gives a f**k about collusion, I'm just here for when the piss tape drops.
  16. I'm sure I read somewhere that someone had condensed the prequels into one roughly 90 minute long film that was actually watchable.
  17. Given how much the Hearts boyz hate the league cup, the punishment should be a bye through to the semis to play Celtic on the day the Queen dies with Willie Collum as ref.
  18. Stevie Mallan to singlehandedly take us to the quadruple this season by scoring two 35 yarders every game.
  19. Biggie, Biggie, Biggie can't you see sometimes your words just hypnotize me
  20. United are probably going to get pumped out of the cup by lower league opposition, fail to get promoted again and sack Lazlo. As hilarious as that will be, it still won't be able to match the last few pages of this thread.
  21. Is he the one that runs your mens rights group m8 ?
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