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Everything posted by Wee-Bey

  1. Did he not ban Irn Bru from Turnberry ? An impeachable offence imo.
  2. I've often felt that the way to ensure that soft Yes Labour voters vote for Indy in any future referendum is to scream abuse at them. It's a cast iron vote winner imo.
  3. Aye, don't see why not. Your season will be over in January anyway so it'll be something to look forward to.
  4. I'm chartering a flight to Baku for the final lads. It's working out around 200 quid a skull. Demand will be high so it's first come first served.
  5. Happy 4th July to the P&B lads that are stateside.
  6. £3 million, Allan, Griffiths and Peter Lawell's vote in the next papal election. Then we can negotiate.
  7. I think some of the stuff was actually dug up from the ground too. They're building a metro tunnel.
  8. They drained a canal in Amsterdam and put everything they found at the bottom online. https://belowthesurface.amsterdam/en/vondsten
  9. Aye, mind that time when the Pope came to Scotland for a quick 18 holes at St. Andrews.
  10. The only thing that stops a bad guy with a gun is a copy editor with a gun.
  11. Reports that the shooters were wearing full combat gear.
  12. Well. First of all, the Fox segment in your original post is about 'conservative women under attack'. Which refers to Huckabee Sanders being refused dinner and a couple of others being heckled. Owens quite clearly states 'if you attack other women, you're not a feminist'. Are you seriously telling us you agree with this position ? That you can't be a feminist and call out other women for their views or actions. Its very much the kind of thing you would be against. The next part is just bizarre. Drawing equivalency between kids getting chucked in cages and black single mothers. Claiming that her opponent doesn't care about black single mothers, whilst in the same breath saying that they receive more funding. Claiming to speak for the black community. Crazy stuff tbh. Propaganda m9, but what can you do ? There's folk out there that'll swallow that whole. I'm at work so I'll watch the videos later. I'm quite aware of who Owens is though, so I'm sure there'll be plenty holes in her arguments for me to pick at.
  13. Lol. You didn't even watch this video before you posted it did you ? You just wanted an excuse to use the progressive plantation thing when you clocked the black 'conservative' shouting at the 'liberal'. You must have some sort of bet going where you have to try and shoehorn 'progressive' into every post. As a result it's showing you up as being a massive hypocrite. A lot of folk get upset on this forum when posters reply to your posts, never mind the posts themselves. Although I pretty much disagree with almost everything you say, I genuinely think that on rare occasions you do start some thought provoking stuff. Your recent output is fucking woeful though.
  14. There's something quite weird about how we all play along with the plastic bag thing and the various recycling bins whilst mankind slowly but surely destroys the planet alongside it's other species on a daily basis with far more harmful actions.
  15. Can your board be trusted not to make a massive f**k up over something like a sell on fee ?
  16. Mummies little dahlings being forced to attend the ghastly local high school. Superb stuff.
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