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Everything posted by Wee-Bey

  1. In what way do you have to 'alter your behaviour' around POC ? Are you unable to 'be yourself' in these situations ?
  2. Indeed, Puerto Rico with no power and half the country with no water. American citizens dying. Trump tweets about Puerto Rico: 3 Trump tweets trolling the NFL and Black athletes: 23 Making America great again.
  3. Sucks for you, although the millions who would have lost out significantly probably evens it up slightly. How about moving to Canada ? They have a much better system, although you probably don't believe that. It's Trudeau.
  4. The GOP not bringing forward the Graham-Cassidy bill. The 4th failed attempt to repeal/replace 'Obamacare'. What a terrible wee shame.
  5. The banning of Dudu Dahan Pal is just another example of the anti Hibs bias that exists on this forum. We are all Dudu Dahan Pal. Something inside so strong.
  6. Probably time for a new alias if this is the level of bait you're reduced to serving up for us.
  7. That's a massive windfall for an established mid table Championship club tbf.
  8. Don't underestimate Petrie, he's a shrewd businessman. Wouldn't be surprised to find out he's offered to increase the % on the McGinn transfer to 20-25% as payment for Morgan. I would expect to see the lad in green and white in the next few days if McGinn does leave.
  9. We should be looking for at least £ 2 million for SJM. Minus St. Mirren's 10% would give us £ 1.8 mill. Get Hendo and Moult signed up.
  10. Ah yes, the crucial decision all youngsters growing up in Stretford have to make.
  11. I enjoy coming on to this thread for my daily reminder that absolutely everything even remotely bad in America and the world is entirely the fault of liberals / the left / Obama / Clinton* *Delete as appropriate
  12. So how do we see next week panning out ? Predictions: Cersei eventually agrees to help by sending a token force North. Confides to Jaimie she'll wait till Dany's army has suffered heavy losses before turning on her. Jaimie tells her he's going North to fight. Arya dons a face and finds out what Baelish is up to, Sansa sets up the honey trap and Littlefinger gets merked. Hound meets Mountain but no Cleganebowl. Final scene: undead dragon melting the wall.
  13. Sad to see the history of this great country being ripped apart by the removal of these beautiful statues and monuments.
  14. That would depend on what end you were sitting in.
  15. I'm going to assume that you were equally opposed to the removal of statues of Sadaam Hussein, Ceausescu and Stalin. You could also ask the Native Americans what they think of Mount Rushmore.
  16. The statues belong in a museum. It's no coincidence that the majority of courthouse monuments were constructed during Jim Crow, or school monuments constructed during Brown V Board of Education. It's not rewriting history, the history is already written. The bad guys lost.
  17. Trying to get the blood stains out of my gazelles is a pain in the arse tbqhwy.
  18. Dat Shillary t shirt Where can I get one ? Asking for a friend.
  19. Tbf it sounds like something Terry Butcher would have made the players do.
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