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Everything posted by Wee-Bey

  1. I was only trying out some of my new material for my stand up gigs at the Fringe next month. Mixed reactions it seems, it's good to know what works and what doesn't. Anyway, PM me if anyone wants tickets. Cheers Jim x
  2. It's good to see you've now rowed back on the racism part of your 'misogynoir' accusation. Why do you assume that I'm mocking Abbott for her relationship with Corbyn and not vice versa ? Or indeed, mocking both of them equally for having a fling ages ago which has now come to more prominence given their recent elevation to major political figures ?
  3. This seems to me as if you are looking to be offended by something, or more likely as in my original reply to you, you're reading way too much into it. Are you saying that it should be out of bounds to joke about Abbott because she's a black woman, even if the joke makes no reference to her race ? Would you label me a homophobe if I made a joke about <insert well known gay celebrity> which made no mention of their sexuality ? The picture in question was taken from twitter and was some sort of Daily Sport spoof. Given the press coverage of their relationship history, I found it mildly amusing at the time so posted it here. Like it or not, the fact that Corbyn had a previous relationship with a high ranking member of his shadow cabinet is something that people will comment on and joke about regardless of the ethnicity of the person in question.
  4. She was chosen due to her previous relationship with Corbyn and her prominent position in the shadow cabinet. The colour of her skin had absolutely nothing to do with my posts. I have to question why you seem determined to tar me with the 'racist' brush given I had made absolutely no reference to her race. Or indeed her religion, competency or appearance.
  5. I think you're reading waaay too much into my posts.
  6. Tbh, a Corbyn dinner party sounds like it would be pretty awesome. Where else could you plot the downfall of capitalism at the same time as meeting some of modern history's most dodgy characters ? Dear diary Dinner at Jez's again last night. McDonnell droning on about purging the Blairite scum, GIVE IT A REST MAN and concentrate on nationalising everything first. Gerry was there, he's not been the same since Marty died. Tried to cheer him up and told him to go back to the berets and balaclavas, he always seemed much happier back then. The Hamas lads were on form, but some of those jokes about the rabbi were a bit close to the bone for me. The usual chat about the US and UK's false flag attacks ended in a shouting match. Drank WAY too much last night and ended up fingering Diane Abbott in the downstairs bathroom. The next Momentum meeting is going to be SO awkward. I also met Bashir Assad for the first time, he was surprisingly down to earth and VERY funny.
  7. This is it in a nutshell. I often feel uncomfortable defending the EU however, being a member with significant influence and pushing for reform was always the sensible option. Brexit (and Trump) were knee jerk reactions to complex issues. Globalization, immigration, wage contraction, the rich/poor gap, an increasingly malign corporate influence. It's just some folk haven't realised that Brexit and Trump are just more of the same but with added nationalism.
  8. So, you agree that the UK is just as 'undemocratic' as the EU. You'll also accept that the only way we're getting rid of the HoL and FPTP is by voting for independence. We don't need influence with our continental neighbours and biggest trading partners ? The only thing that scares me about Brexit is the thought of my friends, work colleagues and neighbours either being sent home or treated as second class citizens. I'm also not particularly keen on the Tories getting stuck into a whole host of environmental and workers rights. Nothing inspires me about Brexit, because after all, I can't feed myself or my family on Union Jacks.
  9. Efe is sum boi. He'll turn up hungover half an hour before the first derby of the season, pull on the slippers and light a cigar up before snapping Isma's ankle.
  10. I applaud your altruistic vote on Brexit. To use your vote to save the poorest people in the 3rd world from the evil EU empire is truly wonderful. Some would call this virtue signalling but not me. Clearly the best way to help these people is to turn our back on Europe and give up our influence. It is rumoured the workers on the coffee bean plantations of El Salvador can often be heard chanting 'Jake Rees-Mogg' as they struggle to earn a living under the watchful eye of the EU gestapo. As the women of the remote Zambian village of Tongwa make there way to the local well for water, they can often be seen collecting small pieces of debris for the villages' planned statue of Nigel Farage. Thankfully, we can use our own Foreign Aid budget to help these poorer nations. http://www.express.co.uk/news/uk/743161/Britain-to-pay-EU-from-Foreign-Aid-Budget-after-Brexit Leaving the undemocratic EU can only strengthen our far more democratic system including our unelected House of Lords and monarchy.
  11. With your away record over the last 2 years and your first 4 this season away from home, you'd be as well binning him now.
  12. Not everyone got reamed 4-0 on their own patch when Ronny Delia was in charge though. Not going to even mention Lenny's magnificent 7 (ok then I will). Sure we struggled against teams with 10 behind the ball and Shinnie being asked to create, I don't think that'll be a problem this year. Clearly, given our record in these 'one-off' games (we played you 4 times FFS) suggests that while there will be inevitable defeats and poor performances, we know how to win games against these sides. You should be more concerned with your team raising their game for St Johnstone, Dundee and Kilmarnock given that since Cathro took over you've picked up less points than relegated Inverness.
  13. http://www.nzfootballconsultancy.co.nz/andrew-blake.html Here's a little bit about him and a couple of videos. The lad looks quite pacy.
  14. I probably wouldn't use 'treason' either, however, it's now beyond any doubt that Trump's campaign colluded with agents of a hostile foreign power in order to influence an election. It's as close to treason as you could get.
  15. I don't think you'll find many Hibs fans disagreeing that we weren't good enough to come up the first 2 years. We still managed to comfortably dispose of your mob twice and win the Holy Grail. In the meantime you were taking it sideways from Celtic, Aberdeen and the Fermers. I think we both know that by the time the first derby rolls around, our first choice strike force won't consist of either Murray or Graham. If I were you I'd be more concerned with the fact that Hearts will probably line up with at most, 1 or 2 players who have tasted victory in an Edinburgh derby and with a manager already widely recognised as damaged goods and out of his depth. Shitting it.
  16. Is this the beginning of the end ? I would hazard a guess that if they've tried to pre-empt the NYT by publishing first, there's a whole lot more in those emails we've yet to see.
  17. Let's be honest here, you've spent the last few days trying and failing to troll this thread on subjects such as Lafferty, testimonial attendances and David Gray. It's been Kickback level stuff, you're better than this m9. Having got away with only taking the green boaby in cup games, it's pretty obvious you're rattled at the thought of having to face us in the league this year.
  18. Because he'll be better than the two you've got, because it's all about getting one over on Hibs, because your signing policy never makes much sense.
  19. The guy who told me knows someone at the club and tbf is usually not too far away with the stuff he passes on. It's a strange one, why agree a fee and have the player up to Edinburgh when he's going to be asking for silly money ? It's also very unlike Hibs to go public on deals until their complete. I reckon his agent is at it.
  20. Tbh, I prefer my racist Tories out in the open where I can see them, rather than the 'nod and wink', veiled language types.
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