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Posts posted by ryanayr1987

  1. 3 hours ago, D'Jaffo said:

    McIntyre and McCall are the only two there I’d be happy with tbh.

    There’s a lot that would need to happen for the latter to return to Ayr though and I seriously doubt it would happen.

    Not sure about McCall, I kinda had the feeling that he had taken us as far as he could. I just don’t know who is out there that can take us forward. 

    Alan Stubbs? 

    Eta- I hadn’t read the rest of the comments prior to replying suggesting Stubbs

  2. 27 minutes ago, rb123! said:

    Jim McIntyre- maybe 

    Stuart Kettlewell- maybe 

    Martin Canning- no

    Peter Houston- no

    Ian McCall (Yes i know but still, we're getting that desperate....) preferably not

    Steven Pressley -no

    David Hopkin- no

    Scott Marshall - maybe

    Most obvious candidates for me plus bit of a left field one at the end

    I know it wouldn’t be popuas he had links with killie but Gary Holt did a great job with livi and is still out a job

  3. 37 minutes ago, rb123! said:

    I'll give Inverness the benefit of the doubt in the fact they've played about twice since the new year so are going to be rusty, Saturday will give us a more definitive answer....

    On another note with Inverness, this 'virtual tickets sale' which has resulted in 9,000+ tickets being sold for Hearts game, i think we should give it a try for a game to see how it would go, thoughts?

    Hopefully the match sharpness hasn’t been improved tonight for Saturday. I think we will give them problems especially now Wright has had a few weeks to bed in 

  4. I’d say we are unlikely to go down, it’s not impossible though. I really feel that the team is in a good place, the only thing that worries me is continuity.  I feel that we go through weeks of playing loads of games and then go through a barren spell where we hardly get a game on. That seems to affect the team and how we play. 

    I know we are only down 2 league games and 1 cup game but we seem to have a long time between fixtures which makes it harder to string a few results together 

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