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Posts posted by ryanayr1987

  1. 5 hours ago, itzdrk said:

    I canny see a points deduction making sense.  Unless he's left the amber zone and really set fire to the whole situation.  If he has been wrongly in attendance but kept to the rules of those allowed in a fine (with some suspended to ensure compliance) is perfectly reasonable. 

    Level 4 lockdown enough of an amber zone for you? 

  2. I like Anderson but as I said before we signed him, he is not a number 9 he is a 10 like Moffat. I think this is the main problem going forward as we don’t have the personnel to hold the ball up and bring others into play which I believe is the way Kerr wanted to play. 

    as for the defence if we were to get a leader in front of them- a doc type player we’d be in better shape.


    I think Anderson will go in January and we will replace him with Drinan and we will get another player in in the centre of the park and we will be fine. Mark Kerr will have his targets 

  3. I have basically scrolled past the last 2 and a bit pages of absolutel drivel! Really fed up with knee jerk reactions to a loss! This place is getting very like the honest page! 

    does anyone remember where we were before McCall took over (not trying to be funny)...

    My only complaint would be that Anderson is not a 9, I did say that before we signed him. We are blunt in attack and I’m not sure we can sort this before January unless we can get someone in short term.  What is Antony stokes doing?


  4. 5 minutes ago, eez-eh said:

    Bit of a pisser losing probably our largest streaming numbers of the season, but at least it will save us all the “boycott” pish from Rangers Mk II.

    I said as much in the SRE fb page and don’t think many actually understood the significance of it! By far the biggest away crowd that would be likely to visit/stream and its being put on free to air and getting sweet f**k all in return

  5. 24 minutes ago, Mr X said:

    As you've since posted, the betting companies are not allowed to show games in the UK.

    The betting partner is IMG. They are the ones behind the Pixellot streaming, it was put in for their purposes. The streaming to fans is a side effect.

    AMG are the streaming partner who provide the SPFL match centre, using feeds from Pixellot

    My guess would be that the dodgy stream came from the direct Pixellot feed which goes to IMG and the SPFL match centre rather than the main stream for fans. Again, Im guessing there was no commentary?

    You would be correct

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