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Posts posted by ryanayr1987

  1. I bet the highland league games in the area will go ahead. This always happens, doing a pitch inspection at 8am when the temperature is set to be above freezing on the forecast all day is a bit useless. Suppose though that if we started travelling  up and it was called off the team would be out of pocket 

  2. 32 minutes ago, Hursty said:

    I see if tomorrow's game is off (got to assume it will be) it's rearranged for Tuesday night which in turn postponed the Alloa game.  Not ideal that - could have done with that going ahead as it was a great chance to get a wee gap over the bottom sides before what is a pretty scary looking run of 5 games.   

    Tuesday night in Elgin....split over 2 buses and no shower after the game if I read correctly?  That's brutal.  Can't help but feel our lads won't be up for that in the slightest, especially without Muirhead playing.  

    Is muirhead out? 

  3. 30 minutes ago, itzdrk said:

    I think they are all Championship quality players undoubtedly, they're all just so bloody slow, less noticeable when all split up.  How did Chalmers play full back, he must have been roasted for pace every week. 

    He probably never ventured into the other half of the pitch. He must have been  good at guessing what  the opposition player was going to do 

  4.                  Sinisalo

        Muirhead Baird Ndaba

    houston                          Reading

                    Chalmers Murdoch 

    smith                                  Mccowan/Walsh

                     New st/Moffat 


    gives stability where we have been weak removes some of the vulnerabilities in midfield and gives us a chance to be more creative 

  5. Really don’t like the pay wall it will push fans away. I get the idea is to make money for the club, however I would say is it should be more of a replacement for match day programmes and have exclusive insight from players/management and also extended highlights. They should keep the match day interviews normal highlights and signing interviews free! I for one can’t really afford to have extra expenses due to my wife’s current work circumstances as she is on furlough and I work every second weekend so will miss games 

  6. Too many folk in here pissing themselves, it’s getting ridiculous. 

    I would say we need another coach and three new signings a cb a combative cm and a striker. I think a coach could come in and see him change shape which could be the problem. I don’t think this formation allows protection and is maybe to expansive when play away from home 

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