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Everything posted by Deplorable

  1. She doesn't really have a point on immigration. Very, very few of Trump voters want all immigration shut down. What we want is low skilled immigration mostly shut down and the percentages of foreigners living here to be less than 15%, instead of moving up to 25% as it's projected under the current rules. Nobody is against foreign actors and media folks. What a ridiculous point she was making. The problem with Hollywood folks is that they don't actually want to live under the policies they promote. They send their kids to mostly white and Asian elite private schools. They have armed guards. They want to drive up our costs and take away good jobs in the name of green energy, and then they will fly a private jet for two days of partying in Europe. f**k em.
  2. Joey Porter was arrested following a confrontation with a police officer at a Pittsburgh bar. Haha. Never change J Peezey. #SteelerLegend. Gonna have to break out my old 55 jersey for the game next week in solidarity. OBJ was reportedly banging his head against a locker and punched a hole in the wall in a hallway. Dude has a screw loose.
  3. This is still probably my favorite thing Trump has done since he was elected. "From the moment Donald Trump was elected, the UK has been playing catch-up. The president-elect caused a diplomatic storm when he decided that the first British politician he would meet would be Nigel Farage, whom he suggested would make a good UK ambassador to the United States. The idea that the former UKIP leader was closer to Mr Trump than British ministers was hard for the Foreign Office and Downing Street to stomach." I can only imagine the ranks about "Yanks" that went on in pubs near London government office buildings around the time Farage showed up in New York.
  4. Goodbye to the Raiders and Lions. It's a social good to have the Raiders competitive. All the bandwagon fans break out their gear, and it helps law abiding citizen easily identify potential criminals in our society. It looks like they have the real deal at QB and should be looking at a solid 10 year run, barring a Colts style front office melt down. Hopefully they find a way to stay in Oakland. I suspect the Lions will continue to ride the line between one of the worst playoff teams and one of the best non-playoff teams through the rest of the Stafford era.
  5. Could run a continuum from mild annoyance to the ethnic cleansing of the original group. Both ends have happened in the USA and UK, as well as many points between. Unfortunately, current ideology does not allow our immigration policy to differentiate between groups of immigrants based on how much trouble they cause the native population. 10 Canadian families moving into my general neighborhood is different that 10 Russian families is different than 10 Somali families in it's impact on my life.
  6. This is the normal snarky left response to every mass shooting. It misses the conservative point. It's ridiculous to have unenforced no gun zones within a society where there are as many guns as people. Nearly every mass shooting takes place in gun free zones. The only place that makes sense as a gun free zone in the US are places that primarily serve alcohol. Other than that you need some kind of security check if you are going to implement such a policy. Of course baggage check is outside the security perimeter in airports.
  7. Spanish name and carrying military ID. Just seeing something about him being on a flight from Canada and had a gun checked in his luggage, but only seeing it in one place.
  8. Somali immigrants have the worst reputation of any immigrant group in America. Same as almost every other country that takes them. Funny how that works.
  9. A new poll says people would prefer Trump over Obama for next four years by 46%-45%. Are we going to put the embassy on the Temple Mount? Jerusalem is going to be the Israeli capital even if certain neighborhoods in East Jerusalem became part of the Palestinian state. I'd imagine the embassy workers are going to be upset if the reputations of Jerusalem and Tel Aviv are accurate.
  10. $3500 on Christmas presents for 4 kids, one of whom is a 19 year old adult? That's the outrage. Teach your kids values instead of spending a wad of cash you don't have to make yourself feel better for being a bad mom the rest of the year.
  11. https://theintercept.com/2017/01/04/washpost-is-richly-rewarded-for-false-news-about-russia-threat-while-public-is-deceived/
  12. Cousin marriage is only banned in 24 states? Jesus! Looks like according to that map the Canadians are more the incestuous types for North America. Wonder if it's the French?
  13. http://money.cnn.com/2017/01/03/news/economy/ford-700-jobs-trump/index.html Ford cancels Mexico plant. Will create 700 U.S. jobs in 'vote of confidence' in Trump Ford is canceling plans to build a new plant in Mexico. It will invest $700 million in Michigan instead, creating 700 new U.S. jobs. Ford (F) CEO Mark Fields said the investment is a "vote of confidence" in the pro-business environment president-elect Donald Trump is creating. However, he stressed Ford did not do any sort of special deal with Trump. "We didn't cut a deal with Trump. We did it for our business," Fields told CNN's Poppy Harlow in an exclusive interview Tuesday. He said Ford did speak with Trump and vice-president elect Mike Pence this morning. The news is a major U-turn for Ford. Last year, the company announced it would invest $1.6 billion in Mexico to transfer the production of the Ford Focus from Michigan to Mexico to save costs. Now the Focus will be built at an existing plant in Hermosillo, Mexico, and Ford will expand its plant in Flat Rock.
  14. I don't see how anybody could be for or against such a policy at this point. We just don't know how it would end up working in the real world. It's definitely worth trying in small areas to see the long term results. I've always been for a massive increase in the earned income credit funded by a wealth tax to make sure everyone who's showing up the work each day earns a living wage. I'd prefer that be tried first, as I'm not sure that a bunch of folks would use this scheme as an excuse not to work. When young men aren't occupied at work that's generally disastrous for any society.
  15. But the thing is we've been here doing all that stuff in this spot for centuries. I'm not arguing that we solve our problems by deporting American citizens who happen to create trouble spots. I'm suggesting we don't import foreign problems. Come to West Virginia. We have a way outsized share of poor people, but the violence levels are below national averages. I'd say we are mid-level in our friendliness to strangers among US states. It's fine.
  16. Of course the bigger issue in the US is schools. White people are being forced out of cities by the tens of thousands if they want their kids to be able to attend a decent school. Talk to anybody who's white and not rich from a place like Houston or Dallas. Again, the supposed greater "freedom" really just ends up being greater freedom for foreigners, not for us. Our life choices are cut down.
  17. Giants wide receivers all currently partying in Miami with Bieber and Johnny Football.
  18. Sound like good upstanding citizens. Good for economic reasons: The net result of mass, low skilled immigration to the existing population is a very slightly larger economic pie, but with a fairly sizeable redistribution of wealth from labor to capital. The theory that low skilled immigration would push the existing population UP out of poor jobs has been largely discredited as more people have been pushed out of the workforce than pushed up the ladder. Good for freedom of individuals: This is the theory, and it's certainly true for people who wish to cross borders. In practice, for the majority of people who wish to live in the country where they were born, areas of their own country become culturally alien. In the worst case certain areas become no-go zones due to violence or extreme cultural differences. The end result is that native citizens often end up with less freedom of movement.
  19. Decent attempt to knock off South Park's joke, but it would only make sense during the Dem primary. Did everyone here know that Hillary actually beat Obama in total votes during the 2008 Dem primary? I had no idea. She must be furious whenever she thinks about it. Obama (Purple) - 17,584,692 (47.3%), Clinton (Gold) - 17,857,501 (48%)
  20. Steelers: 31 - Dolphins: 10 Texans: 13 - Raiders: 6 Packers: 80 - Giants: OBJ Career Ending Injury Lions: 27 - Seahawks 24
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