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Everything posted by Deplorable

  1. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I read that the problem with the UN resolution and Obama's position is that it doesn't differentiate between those settlements along the border of Israel that are going to be part of Israel under any conceivable settlement and those settlements that are clearly within what would be a Palestinian state. Using the strict 1967 borders as the basis for everything is politically impossible in the real world because so much has changed in 50 years.
  2. How is that different from serving as CEO of any large and varied business? How is that different from almost any other world leader? Do you think Obama knows as much about Islamic terrorism, monetary policy, surveillance techniques, etc as whoever is in charge of advising him and implementing policies specific to that area. Trump might even be better at making decisions because he comes in without strong ideological blind spots on most issues. Most of us in this thread could complete a business Yale undergrad and MBA at Harvard if we were allowed into the school and given 100% of our time to concentrate on the work. Bush was there because a bunch of his ancestors were Ivy Leaguers. Does what matter?
  3. Did Trump get into Penn by himself or on a legacy? I don't think his dad is an Ivy League guy. You've got to be fairly smart to get into one of those schools without a legacy or affirmative action I'm pretty sure.
  4. 99% of my exposure to punk bands these days is listening to Marky Ramone's XM radio show if I happen to be in my car when it's on. He plays Masked Intruder but I can't say I'm a fan. I'm vaguely aware of Snuff and Goober Patrol. Probably heard them on a comp or something. Guns n Wankers! That's a classy name. I prefer the GG Allin that shits on himself and rapes people to the GG Allin trying to make pop tunes.
  5. I was generally of that opinion as well, though my general principle is to take people at their word when they claim a certain religion. I read the recent interview Ta Nehisi Coates did with Obama. He talked about his embrace of Rev. Wright's controversial church in Chicago. One of the things he mentioned was how Rev. Wright used Christianity to uplift the black community by making them proud of their culture. It struck me that maybe he views "black American Christianity" as a real tool for changing people, and that he wasn't just making a cynical political move to attend a church because that's what's expected of politicians.
  6. Love Ben Weasel. Legend. I'm a fan of every Weasel record, but you are right that a couple of their early records are great. Boogada and My Brian Hurts are classics. I know all those bands. Wasn't what you'd classify as a music guy, but I did listen to a fair amount of punk rock when I was younger. Those 90s "Ramonescore" bands mainly. The Queers are of course great. 1b to Screeching Weasel's 1a in that genre. Mr T Experience were hit and miss. Can't say I was a big fan of the Lillingtons and Mopes. I did like the Huntingtons a bunch. Were their any UK based bands along those lines? I can't recall ever running into any.
  7. I haven't personally run into that belief more than a handful of times, and it's always a low IQ person with crossed eyes who doesn't know social boundaries. You do see polls that show there are a rather large group who do believe this. What I suspect is that if you sat down with most of these people and ask if they think Obama believes that Muhammad is prophet of God and the Koran was divinely inspired they would say no. A very common belief is that Obama is not really a Christian and is partial to Muslims. I think some of the people who believe this get lumped in with the crazy folks.
  8. I'm suggesting that Trump and Putin should declare war on Germany in Merkel is reelected.
  9. I don't have a strong opinion on Margaret Thatcher one way or the other, but she was really, really right on one thing. I read that she opposed allowing Germany to reunite and predicted it would be trouble. Within a couple decades they impose a monetary policy on Europe that bankrupts entire countries, impose undemocratic governments on multiple countries, and impose a migration policy on the continent that could be the end of many nations based on demographic trends. Germany has been trying to destroy the west ever since they united under Bismark. Thatcher was wise to see the trouble ahead. Germans can't be trusted. Time to unify with the Russians to beat back the threat again.
  10. Obama given a free choice will always, always side with what he thinks is best for the 3rd world people. The issue is Jewish money. Sources vary on the amount, but it seems like Jews provide around half of the Democrats money. And in this election it was an especially big advantage because the never trump movement was almost exclusively a Jewish media and donor movement. 538 claimed at one point in the campaign that Jewish money was going 95%-5% for Clinton as opposed to 70%-30% in the last election.
  11. https://www.nationaljournal.com/s/646194?unlock=O0PSAHTAHF7G58Y1 How Analytical Models Failed Clinton Remember in the weeks before the election when the entire political media was mocking Trump for campaigning in Michigan? Remember when they went into fits of laughter at his incompetence when he held one rally in Minnesota? "Republicans haven't won Minnesota since 1972." "He's going to lose Ohio and Florida if he's not careful." He ended up losing Minnesota by 45,000 votes and 1.5%. Trump had the right idea. He knew his message would work in the midwest. If he'd gone all in on his strategy and included Minnesota over Virginia in his rally schedule he wins by an even greater electoral college margin.
  12. Heard a good idea today. Trump should propose a law that makes it mandatory for all businesses to serve people regardless of their religious or political beliefs. Put all those celebs turning down Trump's inauguration on the same level as Christian bakers. It's only fair that the law treats everyone the same.
  13. I'm getting kind of worried with how much Trump is talking about the Israel / Palestine issue. I would have thought he'd be smart enough to know that there's no real solution to that problem and would avoid a no-win situation. It appears he really thinks he can fix things.
  14. Screeching Weasel is the best punk band.
  15. Dak and Zeke got matching chains. Their numbers and the Dallas area code. Sorry Cowboy fans. This has the makings of a sports curse if I've ever seen one.
  16. That article says the tips were stolen from employees contracted to another company. I do know that it's fairly common for tips to be confiscated by employers if the employees are illegal aliens, but I've never run into it in any other situation. Why would workers stand for that? Even if they don't sue they'd just go down the road to the next place that's hiring. I suppose it could happen, but it seems like a hard scheme to pull off. Edit: The lady earned $15/hour. She would have made way more serving for tips all over NYC. Why would she accept a job where they stole her tips?
  17. I find it very hard to believe that Trump doesn't tip. I did a google search for "Trump doesn't tip" and found nothing. Type in another famous person who has a reputation for not tipping, like Michael Jordan, and look at the results. It's hard to imagine that Trump's tipping habits wouldn't have become a huge deal if what pizza topping says is true. Also, I listen to Tony Kornheiser's podcast. Tony's a big lefty, but he says that Trump is the funnest guy in the world to golf with. I can't believe that would be the case if Trump made everyone with him look bad by not tipping when appropriate.
  18. And when you crush decent working class jobs and replace them with McJobs and welfare . . . http://www.wvgazettemail.com/news-health/20161217/drug-firms-poured-780m-painkillers-into-wv-amid-rise-of-overdoses
  19. http://m.investing.com/news/economy-news/nearly-95-of-all-job-growth-during-obama-era-part-time,-contract-work-449057 And I wonder what % of these crap jobs went to illegals.
  20. In sports related Trump news, he has announced the Florida Panthers hockey club owner Vinnie Viola as Secretary of the Army. Mr. Viola is a West Point graduate and former Airborne Ranger. Sure, if you want the Jews out of positions of influence in your own country.
  21. I'm personally a Zionist, but it's a perfectly consistent view to be anti-Zionist without being anti-Semitic.
  22. Even if this is true, nearly every single parent in America looks at some sort of racial/cultural/linguistic/religious/etc demographics when choosing a school. I should point out that these claims were made in the middle of a messy divorce and Bannon worked in the entertainment industry at the time. Accusations of anti-Semitism can ruin a career fairly easily in that industry. You're going to need to provide exact quotes. He said he has no problem being associated with racists and anti-semites? From what I can tell the white nationalists and anti-semites on the alt right view Breitbart and Bannon as "alt-light." If you worry about the alt-light potentially legitimizing the more noxious views of the alt-right, I suppose that's a fair position to take. But it's not fair to hold a person to views he claims not to hold and has never espoused. He's consistently used the term "civic nationalist" to describe his politics."
  23. All the leaders of America in his generation were well aware of Islam due to the multiple Barbary Wars in North Africa. The Libya ambassador told Thomas Jefferson, John Adams, and Ben Franklin, who were serving as ambassadors in London after the Revolution, that it was the duty of Muslims from their Koran and Prophet to make war on all non-Muslim nations and make slaves of non-Muslims.
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