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Everything posted by AlansHotBath

  1. Good result last night and some lovely goals, although I think 4-0 was a tad unfair on the Uni - we took a while to get going and only really got in full control when they tired. Although if it was last season we would've been 1 down in a few minutes and spent the rest of the time valiantly fighting back for a 1-1 draw, so definite improvement there. It was my first time seeing the new team this year, was quite impressed with Tapping, who looks to have improved in his year away. The quality is obviously there in the attacking end of the park, just needs a bit more coherence at times. Hopefully another 90 minutes against a team probably of a similar level in Gretna this weekend will help to jel a bit more, before the game against Bonnyrigg.
  2. True, although there's always been a lot of talk about the club buying the stadium from the council, who are pretty cash strapped and AFAIK are still looking to build a new HQ in town. But aye, realistically fake grass is a better option in their situation if they're looking to have regular gigs there. I'm also not convinced on the arguments against the fake stuff, it really comes down to quality and there is a fair number of shite grass pitches as well.
  3. Nipping in under BSC noses. If we did move there I'd give it about 5 minutes before someone posted "heard rumours you're groundsharing with the Shire?" on the BSC thread.
  4. Yeah, from reading the Falkirk thread on here and what they're saying about this guy, I'd imagine the place will be sold and bulldozed for housing or a boutique hotel before a grass pitch is put down. Which admittedly is also not good for us
  5. No surprise the EK fan is shutting down talk of conspiracy theories... I've heard on good authority that the oystercatcher on their badge is a high-ranking member of the Illuminati...
  6. Hmm, what about the LL always drawing Shire and BSC against each other on the opening day in a bid to stymie the early progress of the two Forth Valley based powerhouses in the league?
  7. Highlights from our draw with BSC. Watch out for Jamie McCormack turning the same hue as the ref's top after the foul around the 10.30 mark
  8. Sounds like something a French team would say. Also I've just realised they could've called themselves Sacre Blues FC, what a waste
  9. Overall no, it'll be one of our toughest games and tbh I'd probably be happy with a draw, but it'll maybe feel like a bit of a let down to start the season without a win after having all the build-up of the off-season.
  10. Looking forward to the new season getting underway, especially for the first meltdowns of 2019/20 when we inevitably drop points to BSC
  11. What's with all these daft name changes in the league? First Edusport and now this...
  12. Shire to get somewhere around 95 points, obviously - 90 from the games themselves, additional ones for displaying flair and humility (I actually think EK are still the favourites for the title, although it will be a very exciting league regardless). Top four will be Shire, EK, Kelty and BSC, in some order Gretna to go down Ferguson will have alienated and punted ~3 current players by the end of the season The all-time attendance record in the LL will be beaten by Berwick vs Bonnyrigg at some point 3 Bonnyrigg posters will have a headsgone moment when they drop points to Vale of Leithen and finish 6th The Edusport thread will smash the 100-page count
  13. Nice article in the FH today about Ernie Collumbine, former Shire, Stenny and Bo'ness player who is credited as being one of the first sweepers in Scotland, as part of a 4-2-4 formation https://www.falkirkherald.co.uk/sport/football/ernie-collumbine-shire-player-who-played-revolutionary-role-in-the-game-1-4955323 Directly responsible for the European Cup win as well
  14. It's not so much about hating change - although that is probably a correct assessment for a few people - as it is about not wanting to accomodate a team which disregards a lot of what football at this level is actually about, which imo is being tied to a sense of community, be it a club that's been around for a century, or a newly established one like yourselves. Shifting location whenever it suits them; picking a rubbish, generic name which sounds like it was created by a marketing committee to appeal to tourists passing through; referring to 'members' rather than fans or supporters ffs - tbh I think it feels like a lot of the negative aspects of modern football applied to a league where they're typically not seen. I'm not against every aspect of modern football, but modernisation or change for the sake of it isn't real progress. And mostly, it's just a bloody awful name for a football team.
  15. As said above, he seemed better suited to further up the pitch, but is fairly versatile. tbqh I wouldn't have thought he would make the jump up to League 1, but absolute best of the luck to the guy if he does sign with yous. Unlucky with injuries over the past couple of season, we definitely could have used him in the team
  16. The Hamilton Hurricanes, a big opportunity missed there...
  17. Caledonian Braves is an incredibly lame name. Sounds like a rugby team from a kids cartoon. Honestly can't wait til the brain trust behind them just get bored and a real team gets into the league in their place
  18. Very true. Last two games are EK and Bonnyrigg as well. TBH I was looking down the list of fixtures and I was diffcult to pick out a big patch where you'd think "I'm confident we'll get a run of wins here". Shows how the league has improved these last few years.
  19. Is this the third season in a row we've played BSC on the opening day? Last year was a 1-1 draw at TFS (following the Challenge Cup game), season before the 3-0 loss at Ochilview iirc. Anyway, difficult opening game, but we should be aiming for at least 7 points out those opening three games imo. The two after it are the games we should be winning regularly to finish top this season. Otherwise we're behind from the start yet again
  20. I remembered seeing £12 but not that it had been dropped. £10 is about the maximum you can get away with at this level, imo
  21. Between £5 and £8 iirc. Shire and BSC were at £8, think Kelty and EK were £7(?), the rest were lower. Aside from Berwick I imagine it will be much the same this coming season. The Lowland League twitter account used to post them regularly but I couldn't find one from the last few weeks of the season
  22. Nice blue gates there, wonder who at the club signed off on those?
  23. Why would a football club entertain an offer to buy them from a rando who gets in touch out of the blue?
  24. Allum was my first thought. Played for Spartans as well
  25. This is interesting, thanks. It reminds me, I was wondering the other day who the all-time top scorer in the Lowland League would be. Does anyone have this info?
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