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Melanius Mullarkey

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Everything posted by Melanius Mullarkey

  1. The wife received a marketing email this morning (obviously a day early) from some clothes company proclaiming, “Happy 11th of the 11th”
  2. Nail on head. It’s why these folk do it. They think they’re getting away with effectively doing f**k all because they look like they’re doing something work like. She knows exactly what she’s doing.
  3. Enjoying the irony of BawWatchin’s username on this thread tbh.
  4. Looks like the afterlife exists just outside Dobbies.
  5. It is especially when you've filled it, switched it on, went away for a slash then came back to find the fat chinese boy from upstairs filling his flask with your hot steaming liquid.
  6. He works in a chipper. The correct answer is of course, worktop. ^^^^prozzie IMO
  7. Cookery School within a kitchen showroom apparently. Always gave me the creeps when driving past it.
  8. They made her put her baggage in the hold. I think it was to warn her she'd be slightly delayed and not to be alarmed when her bag didn't appear. Don't know if she told them she was visiting a pharmaceutical company in the Netherlands! They’ll be in for a shock when they pull a Mambo Rabbit XL out of her case.
  9. Aye I get the impression JK Rowling is a right snooty bitch and utter filth. Ftfy
  10. Blimey. Its a bit of a weird name given the connotations.
  11. Olympic sized swimming pools. Yours sincerely, British Standards Institute
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