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Melanius Mullarkey

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Everything posted by Melanius Mullarkey

  1. To be fair, the BBC does get >£200m in Govt grants because it’s such a fucking shambles.
  2. Doesn’t our irn bru loving Dundee supporter feature in some bogs in Stirling or somesuch?
  3. Pretty sure @throbber has been on at some point.
  4. You really have to laugh at the OF*, signing up Dundee players then creaming their knickers because the pass a pass occasionally or make an easy save. Ambition writ large right there.
  5. As you were correct in the floppy stakes first, it’s the wife’s MSc thesis which I found in my desk drawer at work. However I will try to find a computer with an appropriate orifice and check if there’s any tits on it.
  6. Imagine not being able to win a game at Ibrox. Minteresque.
  7. Defoe should be castaway on a desert island for diving.
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