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Everything posted by UpInTheAyr

  1. The technical difficulties that will plague the online streams for the first few weeks will be a good laugh I'm sure.
  2. Thought the whole thing was a disaster. Reads like a knock off Braveheart script.
  3. I haven't seen someone mention "Family" so much since I binged the Fast and the Furious boxset.
  4. Twenty is plenty and there doesn't seem to be too much kickback from fans about it. The real test will be next season if they raise again, or whenever they do.
  5. Matchday tickets up to £20 for next season, is that a two quid rise?
  6. I haven't seen anyone put in this kind of defensive display about a player since someone dared cast doubt on Sir Dobbie.
  7. Sounds like the laptop has been put to good use in the off season
  8. Halfway through it so far. Malley and Drinan ain't coming back Edit. oop, maybe a chance with Drinan
  9. Zannatta could go either way, but we've a good recent track record with projects so hopeful it will work out, we'll see how he does in winter when the pitch is all chewed up.
  10. Good that we're continuing to sign and develop young players who haven’t quite made it elsewhere, wouldn't mind seeing another one or two.
  11. He went even lower than the juniors, I remember he recommended someone from a pub/bar 7 a side team
  12. hope we get a squad photo first day back, see if anyone has been enjoying the lockdown a bit too much.
  13. Delighted. Just on this page all my favourites are present. Multi club forum etc.
  14. Are there even enough keepers floating around for 4 ft championship teams? Someone is definitely drawing the short straw, or straws.
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