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Everything posted by UpInTheAyr

  1. The slagging he gets would be due mostly to his post match interviews he gave at Raith I would have thought, which made him look enormously mental in the head
  2. PETITION HERE The Council are trying to get the pitches at the Old Racecourse turned into a couple of golf holes because of a golf academy being developed at Belleisle. Because it falls under Common Good Land it's to be decided by a Sheriff if this can go ahead, so this petition is going around to object to it.
  3. See someone has brought up the state of the new PA system on the sre. I'm not sure I've heard it working properly since it's been installed, it either cuts out every few seconds, is so low in volume you can't hear anything, or doesn't work at all.
  4. Good for Robbie, but I'd rather have Kelly tbh. Although I wonder if Robbie would be more effective in the system we're playing atm.
  5. I'd like them to play like ICT against ICT. I'd rather shit house and get 3 points than play pretty and get none
  6. Muirhead was pretty solid today. Still found of hoofing it but it doesn't annoy as much as last season. Maybe because the forward players are quick to close it down when it inevitably lands to the opposition. Thought he might have got sent off for sticking the nut a bit into the back of an ICT players head, but thankfully only a booking
  7. Any managers that were there today you'd assume would have made it to the interview stage
  8. Did any ICT fans here know about his mum before the game?
  9. If Robertson comes out with "a club like ours shouldn't be beating a club like Ayr this many times on the trot..." in the next interview, then it's a dead cert
  10. More like pride is it not, seeing the same folk accuse you over and over of not having the best interests of the club at heart, and implying one way or the other of rinsing the club of cash.
  11. Lachlan has put around a million quid into the club. Think that entitles him to an opinion as much as the supporters. How much abuse can you expect a person to take before he dishes it back, Chairman or not.
  12. WHY AREN'T THE BOARD PUTTING MORE MONEY IN! Although to be fair it's that Robert guy kicking it all off this time
  13. I don't think Guardiola is available at the moment. Mourinho is looking for work though
  14. If we do get a new manager I hope you give him a bit more time than the two games you've taken to write Stewart off.
  15. Well Moff would have scored his considering he hit it straight at the keeper
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