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Everything posted by UpInTheAyr

  1. Be as well as bringing Stevo back if that's the case.
  2. Hopefully push Kelly further upfield, as the last couple of games I've seen it looks like he's been in a deeper role.
  3. Considering how thin our squad is I'm going to kid myself a bit. We need the numbers.
  4. As much as we can never seem to take advantage of things, whether it's a game in hand or an international break coming up. Things always seem to work out for us elsewhere.
  5. Lesson learned for him, hopefully. Now he'll miss a game and maybe not get back straight into the team. Bantz if it's Ross that takes his place.
  6. Luke comes across as a bit of a hothead, did McCall not say he was a horrible person (in the nicest possible way) or something to that effect. Need Bell's ability to organise but not sure his legs are there.
  7. No competition between them maybe, everyone a little too complacent. Still need a couple in January though
  8. Shitfesting our way to the playoffs again this season.
  9. Geggan suspended as well. I wonder how long Doolan will be out for, maybe around the seven week mark? That record must be on a par with our ICT one.
  10. Tbf I think he's using the QOS system for goal counting.
  11. With that Jamie guy being appointed recently, Pettigrew's position might not be needed
  12. In terms of contributing your time as well as your 10k maybe, but that Alasdair guy on the sre is always going on about how some of them do nothing and are only there for the prestige
  13. Lost your source Robbo? Haven't heard any rumours, if they do start floating about Lachlan should probably come out with a statement instead of letting it fester.
  14. And another two away recently. Quite a drastic change, something must be afoot.
  15. Pettigrew seems to be away, sure he was supposed to be the fan liaison or something.
  16. It's his first senior year, you think he's going to maintain current form over the course of a season? Very unlikely. And as for the 100k fee you and the club can disregard it all you want, doesn't mean other clubs will.
  17. McCowan has had the kind of impact I've been expecting McGuffie to have the past couple years. Don't expect him to sustain it over the whole season, he'll need a rest at some point. Hopefully this speculation doesn't affect him much, especially Saturday. I expect any bids around January will barely scrape 100k with clubs thinking just because it's Ayr they can pull a fast one.
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