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Everything posted by UpInTheAyr

  1. So you're saying we're getting a new manager and new players?
  2. Surprised we've had no update from Mathie on what has happened this week. Would have thought a Dear Lee video would have dropped by now.
  3. The last third of last season was turgid to watch, not even including the playoffs. Obviously you can't fire someone for finishing 2nd,and it was less a case of wanting him punted as seeing the writing on the wall and how this season would play out.
  4. I'd love for that point to be put to Smith and Mathie at some future Q and A. I could just imagine how it would go down and the look on their faces.
  5. I'm sure the academy stuff is because of how close him and White were, so I'm not surprised it's a bit ott. But aye, seems like they all were a bit too chummy and there needs to be a bit more of a professional tone with whoever's next.
  6. If the worst thing that is said about Bullen is the BGM then he's getting off lightly, such PG level patter. Much worse was said about Hopkin and McCall. And the idea that we've not to criticise him on here but instead send a nicely worded letter to Smith with our grievances?...
  7. Most entertainment we've had out the club in the last six months
  8. I think maybe they think the fans are somewhat to blame for his departure.
  9. Although I wouldnt have criticised Smith too much for his "abuse" line in his statement. What has followed reeks a bit of us (club) v them (fans). Not very #weareunited if you ask me.
  10. Think there was maybe some trade off between VOR and the club. We'll let you break the news early if you let us post this puff piece the next day.
  11. Think the c**t had died the way they're going on about him. What exactly is the clubs identity they're going on about, anybody? "But he leaves behind a group of players who were undoubtedly loyal to him to the last " Doubt. "and could never have been accused of downing tools on his watch. " Awkward. "Respected and admired, he is a giant of a man in more ways than one whose presence far beyond the Ayr United dugout will be sorely missed in the club's continuing journey." Way way too much. "and Bullen's boots will be big ones to fill moving forward. " Get a half competent manager. Filled.
  12. Was it by Desmond Boyd? If not you can just disregard it as nonsense.
  13. Would be very funny if we just swooped in and took the lot.
  14. Just buy McCall out his contract. I'm sure it'll only be a few buttons anyway.
  15. Lee embodies the #WeAreUnited... But not the #PremierLeagueReady...
  16. Anyone else getting this adopt a donkey for only £3 a month ad on this page? Cruel.
  17. Was there not a manager not too long ago that took a job and left it a few weeks later to go to a bigger one? That would be some laugh.
  18. On a more serious note, I don't take any pleasure in this, at least not in the way I did with Hopkin and Duffy.
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