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Everything posted by UpInTheAyr

  1. When you're on a run like this team is, getting horsed at home to a team who haven't won in five. Those post match comments by Bullen elicit absolute despair.
  2. Come shovel horse shit with me mate. Infinitely more enjoyable than watching that dross.
  3. Organising a meet and greet after the game is not a sign of upper management contemplating sacking a manager. So dont get your hopes up for that...
  4. That's me just finished shovelling horse shit for most of the day.. How are you lads doing?
  5. Going to be the optimist here and go for a dull as dishwater no score draw. And leave us in limbo for at least another week.
  6. Couldn't get any of the players to agree to sit next to Bullen
  7. You'll be getting overpaid out of shape seniors or inexperienced youth loans from England and like it.
  8. Do we really need to replace a player (Finn) that never played?
  9. Thought I seen McAllister coming out of Lidl about an hour with a case of Budweiser, maybe he's away to drown his sorrows? No I'm not kidding.
  10. Generally I don't think fans would say the same things they do online to someones face, just out of decency. But you'll get the odd one no doubt.
  11. Erm, I don't think they would have announced something like this if sacking him was even a consideration to them at this point. Much more likely they are betting on getting players in this month for him and hopefully get out of the slump.
  12. ...subject to them not losing I assume. They can't be that tone deaf surely?
  13. On Bangala it's criminal more hasn't been said about that and it's just been forgotten. some kind of public inquest should have been formed to investigate it.
  14. I don't think that was a wake up call for Bullen, judging by his antics in the hub afterwards. Mathie maybe, dunno about Smith, prob not.
  15. Aye, that was a hard watch. Don't take any satisfaction in how this situation has unfolded but he looks a broken man and someone who knows his ticket is just about punched. I think the outcome is inevitable at this point.
  16. Pretty unanimous verdict across all the social media forums R.E Bullen, which won't have gone unnoticed by Mathie/Smith. I do wonder if they will respond to it, given they do have form for that type of thing, perhaps a vote of confidence statement?... Wouldn't surprise me in the least.
  17. It would be such an Ayr thing to do to give him the window then sack him when it shuts.
  18. I think maybe in terms of Bullen Saturday will rely less on the result (unless it's an absolute horsing Morten style)and more about what type of performance the team put in, if it's another one like today, by what people are saying, then it will be quite obvious he's lost the dressing room and it will be out Mathie's/Smiths hand. But if they show a bit of spirit etc then I can see him hanging on.
  19. For ten minutes, then be blowing out their arse and collapse on the field from exhaustion/stroke/heart attack
  20. Was it the same job with same remit and responsibilities though? Thought he was in a lesser positon at Hibs.
  21. Might just look defeated though, like Kerr did in his last interview. Although he probably knew for definite he was done after that. I wonder if he'll go on some kind of Hughes rant like he did when he was at Raith. That would be hilarious.
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