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Everything posted by UpInTheAyr

  1. First thought was why has he posted a pic of a bunch of neds on a golf course.
  2. Well that's thrown a spanner in the works. Club with more job vacancies than the job centre at the moment.
  3. Yes you may very well "Bang" @David Baangs, but it's not at football.
  4. Actually prefer he wasn't there on Monday if it's true he's unhappy. Just let him stay down south till it's all sorted.
  5. Fact Bangala is still here is crazy. What exactly are they going to do with him next season. Expected more outgoings by this point but doesn't seem like we're getting many
  6. Are we getting all the signings in order before we announce Dipo's departure and his record transfer fee?
  7. Makes sense Kenyon was signed for his off field input, because he wasn't signed for his input on it. and whoever thought it a good idea to sign a clearly overweight player should be talked too.
  8. That is fucking horrible, and it looks like they started to design the keeper top and gave up half way through
  9. Will wait for the 4th strip before I make a decision on the 3rd.
  10. Is there any particular reason in highlighting which other users are around, at least so many times.
  11. Impressive actually, usually takes years of experience to learn that skill, unless you're a dumb dumb.
  12. I know, still recovering from my £2.40 single bus ticket from the Toll to the Sandgate.
  13. Will there be price rises for the sub par food and drink to go along with the sub par football?
  14. Twenty is plenty, and even that is generous for Championship football.
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