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Posts posted by senorsoupe

  1. 2 minutes ago, NorthernJambo said:

    That exact one. For quickest and simplest terms, Wikipedia has us Gavin 6 forwards (obviously excluding our new lad, he's probably not on Wikipedia). You say he'd be 2nd only to Isma. So he's better than most our players really. (It's stupid to compare him against players in different positions). I also agree Joe (Joey) Garner is absolute dug meat. I wasn't praising him.

    He would be second best of your forwards mostly because Hearts have a lack of depth up front.  Your second best striker (of the 6 listed on Wiki) is Bjorn Johnsen so I would rate Garner slightly above Johnsen but a long way behind Goncalves.  

    Either way Garner is my gold standard for shite forwards, at least this Stockton lad isn't costing you anything so if he doesn't score a single goal then he will be better value for money than Garner.

  2. 3 minutes ago, NorthernJambo said:

    Joe Garner is better than most our players though...


    Are we talking about the Joe Garner who plays for Sevco and scored 10 goals in 34 games, most of those against an absolutely horrible Hamilton team?  The same Joe Garner who scored dick all at any level above English League One?  The same Joe Garner who is a nutter and should have been sent off on multiple occasions?  Looking at your squad I would say that Garner would maybe be your second best striker (after Goncalves) and there are a number of other players I rate more highly than him.  I'm not just saying this as a Celtic fan, I genuinely think Garner is pish regardless of who he plays for.

  3. 16 minutes ago, Bambino7 said:

    Class signing.  Keep them coming Cathro.

    Isn't this on Craig Levein?  

    Either way, the most generous term I can use for his career numbers so far is underwhelming.  He's scored 29 goals in 145 league appearances in English League Two and Conference, which isn't exactly stellar.  I hope for Hearts fans he turns into a Louis Moult type, but I predict he will end up being more like a shit Joe Garner

  4. As a short guy I have long since given up thinking about this sort of thing, my Missus is slightly taller than me (I'm 5'5", she's 5'7") , if I only looked for shorter women I wouldn't get many dates!  When I was younger (and more self conscious) it used to really get me down when I heard a girl say she was only interested in taller guys but at some point I gave up feeling sorry for myself.  

    Oh, and being short means that all the problems you tall people have with modern cattle class air travel aren't a problem for me!

  5. Got back last night, have to say I had an absolute blast once again.  Some of the local watering holes we frequent are starting to remember us as "those two Canadian guys", not sure if that's a good thing or not.  Great race (which is becoming a regular saying for the 500) once again, our section in the turn 1 area (SW Vista) went crazy when Sato won, pretty much everyone was happy for him because he's known to be a really nice guy and a hard charging driver.  Helio's reaction at the end just shows how much this race means to people, until you are actually there in person you can never truly appreciate how big, and how important this race is.  

    Oh and Sato's pass with 22 laps to go (3 wide on the outside) on Helio and Ed Jones going into turn 1 was amazing.  

  6. Although I echo the sentiments that he stayed in the Bond role a couple of films too long (he was really awkwardly too old for Bond in "A view to a kill") he was still charming in the earlier roles, added a bit of comedic timing to Bond that was sometimes lacking in the Connery films.  


  7. 6 hours ago, Stu said:

    Yeah it reduces the risk but qualifying midfield isn't the disaster it would be in F1.

    Anyway, Alonso only managed to qualify fifth. Poor show ;)

    Middle of row 2 should be safe, although he be a bit worried about having Sato next to him.  IMS is really sensitive to wind and a lot of drivers were getting caught on the exit of turn 2, a couple of guys brushed the wall.  In the end the cream rises to the top and the best driver in Indycar, Scott Dixon, put together as perfect a 4 lap qualifying run as you will ever see.   He was smooth and consistent, especially through the troublesome turn 2

  8. 9 hours ago, Stu said:

    He's through to the fast nine so he'll be guaranteed first three rows regardless of what happens. Tremendous effort. Due to the length of the race I always feel qualifying at Indy and Le Mans isn't that vital (Dario started something ridiculous like 18th last time he won Indy and got spun early on) however it's still fantastic from Alonso.


    That is quite true, although qualifying higher up helps reduce the risk of getting involved in someone else's accident in the early laps, the 3 wide start means that it can get very congested in the first laps.  In 2012 Dario started 16th, it was a weird year because it was the first of the new turbo engine formula and the Chevrolet's were faster but the Honda's were more fuel efficient meaning that by the end it was the Honda cars up front.  I was sitting closer to the start/finish straight that year (in what's called B stand) and it was a pretty epic battle at the finish.  I was pulling for Takuma Sato to win but he ended up doing a Sato on the last lap and crashing while going for the lead.  

  9. I'm glad that Bourdais wasn't more seriously injured but I'm gutted for him being out for a while.  He's had such a good season so far driving for one of the smallest budget teams.  It was a really hard hit, thankfully he hit the SAFER barrier or else it could have been much worse.

  10. Looks like final "Fast Friday" practice is done and dusted.  Sebastien Bourdais was fastest of the day at over 233 MPH although Ryan Hunter-Reay had the fastest "no-tow" speed with a 231.2.  Most teams were doing qualifying sim runs, Alonso's fastest lap was a 231.8, with fastest "no-tow" speed being a 230.9.  IMS is extremely weather sensitive so if it's cool and not windy in qualifying on the weekend then there could be some pretty good speeds.  The 4 lap average qualifying runs require a lot of concentration so any wind gusts can cause problems.

    A couple of young drivers, Spencer Pigot and Zach Veach both crashed but were unhurt today.  


    Edit: forgot to add that Alonso's best overall speed was 4th fastest and best no-tow speed was 5th fastest

  11. Nearly succeeded in my goal of winning the champions league with a (mostly) Scottish Celtic team.  Got to the final in 2024 only to be pumped 5-2 by Man United.  Starting XI contained 9 Scots and 2 Italians.  Bench had 4 Scots, 1 Italian, 1 Portuguese, and 1 Dane.



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